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22,790 (3.17 per day)
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Spireite Debate (21714 posts)
09-June 05
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  1. Today's Matches

    19 October 2024 - 01:46 PM

    Hobson starts for Barnet.
    Interestingly, Wiki has his loan down as '1 month beginning 13th September' so maybe it's been extended.
  2. Institute Of Ideas

    08 September 2024 - 10:42 AM

    I'm thinking of submitting this idea to Clare Fox..........
    Why aren't all public sector pay rises subject to the same 'triple Lock' concept on a given annual date?

    That way, budgeting would be a piece of cake and hundreds of civil servants all working with the different bodies on possible pay settlements could be given the elbow. They'd have nowt to do.
  3. Binnom-Williams

    02 September 2024 - 06:20 PM

    Listened to this a couple of days ago, and I'm quite surprised it's not on here (unless I've missed it).
    All a bit distressing. 56 minutes in.

  4. Four Four Two

    02 April 2024 - 02:20 PM

    Ok, for the last 3 matches we've got Grigg injured and nobody remotely able to replace him like for like. The best way to proceed is to switch formation to a front 2 of Quigley and Curtis or Hobson playing in their most effective positions.

    Next season we need a striker like Grigg to provide competition and cover for injury but allow us to keep the same formation if it's doing well; and another pair who are effective as a front 2 as plan B.

    It's cruel watching Quigley try to play the Grigg role. Let's be seen to be doing summat constructive for the rest of the season.
  5. Strike Boy, Radio 4

    09 March 2024 - 12:09 PM

    Listened to this wonderful documentary on’t wireless last night whilst stuck on the M1.
    Anybody who wants to know owt about the miners strike and it’s very very local context should listen.
    Wouldn’t surprise me if Fishi, EOC, and a few other vets know some of the very knowledgeable and elequent people interviewed and referred to.
    One thing that surprised me was that it weren’t Thatcher that started the war against powerful unions, it was Barbara Castle under Callaghan.


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