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  1. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Today, 11:25 AM

    View PostSammy Spireite, on 04 June 2024 - 11:17 AM, said:

    Most teams appear to be 'upping their game' when it comes to player reveals now, hope were planning something big lol

    Social media teams see to be intent on getting the upper hand on other clubs with some bonkers reveal....should just stick to a photo of the player holding up a scarf and done!
  2. In Topic: Football Cops

    Today, 11:24 AM

    Watched an episode after the England game last night at 10pm where they covered Coventry v Sunderland, Liverpool v Man City and Ipswich v Wycombe, all from not this season just done but season before. The Ipswich one was understandably a fairly low key game with the main issue the fact they had some new turnstiles in action that could fail.

    Other two had a bit more about them partly due to the numbers involved and also the rivalry. City game they had issues, apparently quite common, with young scousers rolling up to games with no tickets trying to get in and when they dont causing issues on top of the pre and post game antics. Also the coppers had to babysit the 14yr old son of a City fan who was arrested for cocaine possession and had to wait for his mum to come and pick him up! Cov v Sunderland has a bit of history from years ago after Cov stayed up at their expense. Cov were playing Bristol City who could also go down if one of them lost and Sunderland won at home to Everton. Both games should have kicked off at the same time but then Cov chairman Jimmy Hill engineered a delayed kick off meaning once they found out Sunderland hadnt won Cov and Bristol City played out the last 15mins to a draw they kept both up.

    Was interesting seeing how the DFO from each club work together, how well they know who to keep an eye out for and how they deal with the idiots looking to cause issues. Think in general it wont be much different to how its always been, will be the odd game where you may need to be a bit more careful but in the main the vast majority of football fans are decent enough and if you dont go looking for trouble you wont find it.
  3. In Topic: Chesterfield Of Dreams - Dorking Uncovered

    Today, 09:21 AM

    View PostLincs Spireite, on 04 June 2024 - 07:41 AM, said:

    To what extent will this be a blueprint for teams wanting to beat us next season ?

    I suspect teams are more likely to have scouted us in the weeks leading up to the games and picked stuff up from that which will have more bearing on trying to beat us than watching some YouTube documentary about how a team beat us on a plastic pitch they were used to playing on when we put in probably our worst display of the season!
  4. In Topic: And The Manager Merrigoround Starts Again

    Yesterday, 02:59 PM

    Derek Adams back as Morecambe manager for a third time....
  5. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 11:59 AM

    View Postdanblue, on 03 June 2024 - 11:38 AM, said:

    Not even a murmur from the club.
    Guess nobody signing today

    Its barely into Monday afternoon...we have a tendency to announce things early evening recently so still plenty of time for something to happen today if it is.


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