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isleaiw1's Profile User Rating: -----

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04-March 15
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User is offline Today, 04:09 PM

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Key Player
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  1. In Topic: And Still It Goes On!

    Today, 02:21 PM

    View PostBonnyman, on 10 June 2024 - 02:07 PM, said:

    France is riddled with high crime rates and has a huge drug problem and it?s in most prevalent in areas of mass immigration, it?s just an unfortunate fact

    But of course brings which, do the immigrants bring the drug problem or do they turn to drugs because they cant work, live in deprivation and are treated like sh1t...

    Many will assume they know which direction the cause and effect goes... but I guess those people wouldnt talk to the people who can answer the question...
  2. In Topic: And Still It Goes On!

    Today, 12:50 PM

    View PostSearch & Destroy, on 10 June 2024 - 12:17 PM, said:

    Along with the most of Western Europe then

    Project Failure


    and yet it looks like we will elect a party that are more pro Europe, more pro immigration...

    Maybe it is just that the world is a rubbish place, with war, crisis, cost challenges and so people are reacting to those that are deemed as being able to influence it across the last 5 years (or longer)

    A bit like when your kids say they hate you as you wont let them have their own way... its just a phase (hopefully!)
  3. In Topic: And Still It Goes On!

    Today, 12:47 PM

    View Postcalvin plummers socks, on 10 June 2024 - 12:20 PM, said:

    Boy this guy hates anyone who?s not a middle aged white man

    dont think he is keen on some of those as well ;)
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 10:41 AM

    another U turn on policy from Labour - not that I am complaining...


    And apparently creating new nurseries in empty classrooms - although they havent said where the people to work in them will come from...

    Lets hope there are lots of tax dodgers to clamp down on to pay for it all...

    (I expect they are dropping the LTA issue as its complex and instead will reduce the tax relief you get on contributions to raise money and limit the flow, that should sit will with all those doctors that threaten to retire..)
  5. In Topic: And Still It Goes On!

    Today, 08:43 AM

    View PostSearch & Destroy, on 10 June 2024 - 12:07 AM, said:

    Macron announces dissolution of Parliament and snap elections.

    This comes after a disastrous result for his party in the European Parliament elections.

    Macron?s party got 15% while Le Pen?s National Rally got 32.5%

    we always knew France was pretty racist, that's why the asylum seekers want to get out of there...



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  1. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:10
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
    Andy ...
  2. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:10
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
    Andy ...
  3. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:09
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
  4. Photo


    07 Dec 2021 - 19:33
    Hi. I'm a season ticket holder who unfortunately will be travelling to Gran Canaria on 8th of Jan.
    Happy to get you a ticket for Chelsea if you're struggling. Regards Nigel.
  5. Photo


    02 Jul 2017 - 21:02
    Thanks for the invite - would have loved to have joined you but I am moving house tomorrow so day not in the office or in London!
    Might have joined as the political conversations might have been more up my street than most on the board!
  6. Photo


    02 Jul 2017 - 17:35
    If you live in London, you're welcome to join a couple of Spireites tomorrow (Monday) evening where the main topic of conversation will be Chesterfield FC amongst other things. All very friendly. We'll be in the Williamson Tavern near St Pauls about 7.30. Sorry for the short notice.
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