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User is offline Today, 10:10 AM

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  1. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Today, 10:28 AM

    If he did its likely means Quigley is leaving so you'd probably be happy.
  2. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Today, 10:10 AM

    View Posthilly81, on 12 June 2024 - 10:02 AM, said:

    Seen someone on Twitter suggesting Charlie Wyke has signed for us. All I can find

    He's been heavily linked with Bradford i think.
  3. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Today, 09:59 AM

    Where has that date come from?
  4. In Topic: Airbus A380

    Today, 07:22 AM

    Been on one a couple of times...once as the first leg of coming back from Sydney flying to Singapore in 2010 with Qantas when it seemed a nice enough plane apart from the fact my headrest was broke so kept falling off unless i pinned it back with my head! Even though that plane was going to Heathrow we had to get off and change to a 747 for the second leg and as we were late leaving Sydney we had 20mins to make the change! Saw about 500 yds of Singapore as we legged it two gates up to change planes. Miraculously our luggage made the swap as well!

    Second time was back from San Francisco and ended up on a BA one. We had flown out with Thomas Cook which was an awful flight partly because our nearly 2yr old wouldnt settle then went to sleep just as we started to descend for landing but also because the service was awful. Completely unhelpful. They ended up going bust why we were out there so i had to call to arrange a replacement flight which was with BA or Virgin. Virgin didnt pick up the phone when i tried that first evening so following morning i tried BA who got us on a flight almost the same time we would have been flying. Service was great including when our daughter was sick including on got a pair of BA 1st Class pyjamas at home they'd given me so i could change my top!
  5. In Topic: Ground Improvements

    Yesterday, 02:42 PM

    View Postmonte, on 11 June 2024 - 02:21 PM, said:

    Yeah the warm up seems to make sense. Mind you at town you can't take your pint out to the pitch area but if they think it's worth the money fair enough

    I think its more to stop folk getting clobbered by a ball in the warms up while not paying attention. Dont want to post a The S*n link but there is a story on there currently about a scunny fan who is currently in a coma in hospital weeks after being hit on the head by a stray ball before their game at Gloucester which caused him to fall over and smack his head on the ground.

    During a game there is only one ball and you are paying attention in the main....pre game with players doing all sorts of things including lots of shooting practice with balls flying all over it doesnt take much for someone to get hit by a ball.


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