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14,962 (2.6 per day)
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Spireite Debate (9538 posts)
05-September 08
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User is offline Yesterday, 09:55 PM

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North Korea

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  1. In Topic: And Still It Goes On!

    Yesterday, 07:47 PM

    View PostThe Earl of Chesterfield, on 11 June 2024 - 07:21 PM, said:

    We yesterday witnessed the conviction of two twelve year olds for a machete murder.

    Twelve year olds. Machete murder. Britain 2024.

    But of course none of that registered with our Farage fanboys as the victim was a brown man.

    Once again underlining their crass indifference to crime unless an opportunity to peddle more 'nudge-nudge, wink-wink, know whatta mean' style racism.

    Then it's less than a week since the highly moving D Day remembrance ceremonies. An occasion when every reasonable person gave thanks to those who gave so much to free the world from Nazism.

    However they were backdropped by the rise of parties at the very least parroting nineteen thirties language, or at worst - Germany's AfD - openly associating themselves with the Nazis.

    With characters calling themselves patriots, yet obviously too stupid or too prejudiced to grasp the contradiction, enthusiastically applauding such a disturbing echo of history.

    These are the same individuals who endorsed Brexit, though. Who insisted things would be so much better if we got rid of all the EU migrants. Only to see things get worse.

    So save your facts and figures. Save your evidence and proof. Save your appeals assertions are accounted for or opinions owned. Because the Right will always need a scapegoat and sense never, ever enters into their rhetoric...

    Fancy ghoulishly using the death of a brown man to try to desperately peddle a Far Left extreme propaganda
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 05:22 PM

    Farage attacked again by another radicalised Far Left terrorist

    Hopefully a long prison sentence incoming
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 03:07 PM

    View Postcalvin plummers socks, on 11 June 2024 - 02:56 PM, said:

    So Southerners use correct grammar but Northerners don?t bother?

    I?m just concerned you?re allowed to vote.

    What about people who can?t speak English?
  4. In Topic: Ground Improvements

    Yesterday, 02:55 PM

    I think it was cheaper than paying Quigz off
  5. In Topic: What Are You Listening To At The Moment?

    Yesterday, 01:52 PM

    Went Sunday and I?ve got the post Taylor blues

    How she can connect and control her crowd, seemingly at will, whist conveying an air of vulnerability is simply remarkable

    The lass is a multi billionaire but just so endearing