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s42blue's Profile User Rating: -----

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4,595 (0.75 per day)
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Spireite Debate (2945 posts)
24-July 07
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User is offline Yesterday, 10:44 PM

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First Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male
Tarn, cycling.

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  1. In Topic: D Day

    Yesterday, 11:03 PM

    Jeez. Another thread ruined. Meaning to be a respectful thread to pay homage to the fallen instead turned in to point scoring personal vendettas. Genuinely thought better than this but not surprised. This is not debate its pathetic.
  2. In Topic: The Tory Scum Thread

    Yesterday, 05:40 PM

     The Earl of Chesterfield, on 07 June 2024 - 03:13 PM, said:

    But anyway, just when we thought they couldn't embarrass themselves any more...

    You?re getting slow. Saw this this AM 😂 and was going to post but forgot.

    Or is it just too easy? 😂. Shooting fish in a barrel.
  3. In Topic: Euro24 Prediction Competition ? Qualification Phase

    Yesterday, 05:01 PM

     mhgreats, on 07 June 2024 - 04:40 PM, said:

    Son of . . . is in. Still a few hours left to get into the competition.

    Great thanks. 👍
  4. In Topic: Euro24 Prediction Competition ? Qualification Phase

    Yesterday, 04:31 PM

    Can I have a late entrant? Son of S42blue would like a go please if possible?

    1. Spain
    2. ⁠17
    3. ⁠7
    4. ⁠4
    5. ⁠5
    6. ⁠3
    7. ⁠a
    8. ⁠2
    9. ⁠5
    10. ⁠4
    11. ⁠7
    12. ⁠b
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 03:17 PM

     isleaiw1, on 07 June 2024 - 01:50 PM, said:

    It was a stupid decision but to say its not being politicised - in a post politicising it - is ironic in the extreme. Some might even use the word lies. I'd say its an interpretation and others can form their own view.

    Labour must have had a good day as another snippet of policy has slipped out, they will stop firms giving out work visas in 4 key sectors if they dont think the firms are doing enough to train british workers... as decided by some govt agency (is that another new govt agency... wonder how they are paying for that one?)

    On the subject of dodgy decisions, has Starmer agreed a date to be interviewed by Nick Robinson for the Beeb yet, like the remaining leaders have? ( a clue, answer is a two letter word and starts with NO)

    By the way, the article I read today suggests at least ?1742 of the ?2000 increase comes from Treasury workings and only ?300 from other sources.... but lets not let that get in the way of supporting Starmers crap performance and exasperated claims...

    Not sure vets were politicising it?but Labour would be stupid not to.

    I?d be amazed if he didn?t meet NR.

    I read something similar and actually the ?2000 might even be right but its credibility has all but disappeared and even worse made his believability even less! Now that takes some doing. I?m a capitalist at heart but sorry the Tories are all but unelectable. Trouble is the alternatives aren?t any great shakes!



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