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User is offline Jun 09 2024 10:05 PM

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  1. In Topic: Jerusalem

    09 June 2024 - 09:38 PM

     turrhall, on 09 June 2024 - 06:42 PM, said:

    The 'revised' number is identified dead. Not total casualties. It's not a difficult concept.

    Funny that you're willing to accept Israel's numbers are being correct, but not Hamas' - by your logic neither are 'independent'.

    Even if Israel's numbers were correct, is 30k dead Palestians acceptable?

    Oh, now we're onto casualties? Why didn't you say? Post the link, will you, chap.....

    Yeah, I'm willing to accept both the UN and Israel's numbers over you know why? Cos one is the only democratic nation in that region, that supports gay rights and the advancement of women; the other is an utter scumbag terrorist regime, that has no democracy, kills it's own people, slaughters gays, and doesn't allow women to work 👍🏿

    Israel's numbers are 14k civilians, 16k Hamas combatants. So, yeah, it's acceptable; cos it's the lowest number ever recorded in war, ever.

    Amazing, after the stuff I've seen you write on here, you've chosen to side with Hamas. Yet, another hypocrite to add to the ever growing list...🏳️‍🌈

    Ps I can't remember you saying anything about China having been accused of committing crimes against humanity and possibly genocide, against the Uyghur population and other mostly-Muslim ethnic groups in the north-western region of Xinjiang. Why not? We are talking staggering figures, a million plus.

    Didn't see any of your left wing ilk writing a single thing on here about it on here. Where's the international court, so many of you are licking their lips over? Oh yes, fkin you, Snell, Josh, Johnny hamster....but, when it's the Jews, amazingly, up you all pop....weird.
  2. In Topic: Alan Hansen

    09 June 2024 - 09:11 PM

    A Liverpool legend. On my bedroom wall as a kid, with various other Liverpool greats. Wish him well and his family all the best.
  3. In Topic: Jerusalem

    09 June 2024 - 05:51 PM

     turrhall, on 09 June 2024 - 11:03 AM, said:

    The number of total dead is not 'revised', the different number is purely just the number of identified dead. They know there are thousands more who's remains haven't been identified yet - as mentioned in Goku's link

    Eh? So, the 'different number' isn't revised, it's just a different number? Blimey, you should be in politics, pal. Did you do the COVID data for the BBC?

    Yeah, Goku's link, 25 pages into Google 👍🏿

    For starters, all figures are supplied by Hamas, and not based on independent data. However, the new figures offer a breakdown of fatalities, for whom full details have been documented.

    The new figures reported by the UN OCHA, reduce by more than half the number of women and children that it previously said had been killed.

    Apparently, Hamas don't supply death figures for combatants....but, from data supplied by Hamas to the UN, 'identified' registered deaths stood at: women (4.959) and children (7,797), or 52% of all deaths, from a revised total of 24'000 identified deaths. A 52% and 53% respective reduction for women and children, from the original figure of 34'000 total deaths, supplied by Hamas media sources. Meaning, approximately 11'000 of the dead are men; twice the amount of the women.

    I mean, if you want to and, earring on the side of caution; you could conclude that a fair whack of those 11'000 men are likely to be Hamas terrorist combatants. Indeed, the IDF have suggested they've killed around 16'000 Hamas terrorists.... either that, or they are not the almighty army everyone is making them out to be. And that's where 1:1 ratio is concluded. You could also argue that the revised figures published by UN OCHA, only lead us to conclude that their previously published figures were unreliable at best, and false being the most likely outcome. That's what I've done. But, then again, I'm not an antisemitic 🇮🇱🇬🇧

    From the UN regarding Hamas supplied data:

    ?United Nations teams in Gaza are unable to independently verify these figures, given the prevailing situation on the ground and the sheer number of fatalities. For this reason, all figures used by the UN clearly cite the Ministry of Health in Gaza as the source. The UN will verify these figures to the extent possible when conditions permit.?

    What I find most disturbing is, people who are more than happy to identify with and support figures supplied by an appalling terrorist regime, that are not independently verified....just weird, very weird.
  4. In Topic: D Day

    09 June 2024 - 10:15 AM

     s42blue, on 09 June 2024 - 08:24 AM, said:

    Thread ruined. Disrespectful from the usual suspects.

    Whilst you might consider this board to be the only place to express your private and personal thoughts, I don't. I've shown my respects, elsewhere, thank you. My grandad fought in WWII and had his foot blown off.

    You may have noticed, this board's personal section isn't what folk consider to be immune from vileness being slung from all corners, no matter what the topic. What's been said so far is extremely mild and doesn't take anything away from the substance of the topic. In fact, I'd argue that Khan has shown more disrespect to our heroes than anything I've seen from the 'usual suspects' on here, and it's certainly pertinent to the topic.
  5. In Topic: Artificial Weather

    09 June 2024 - 10:02 AM

     isleaiw1, on 09 June 2024 - 09:03 AM, said:

    Because I only wanted to know an answer to that bit, generally dont read your posts but intrigued by your comments on the data... as an academic isnt the view that a hypothesis can be proven or unproven by data but no data seen doesnt mean its not true?

    That's nice of you, don't read them; yet, from the written word, which carries zero intonation, you've chosen to infer my character as being 'angry'. There really is no depth to your capabilities.

    As I've said, you can present data however you want, it doesn't mean it's truly representative of results.

    The BBC horrified a nation with their data presentation ref COVID; they've subsequently been reprimanded for doing so. The government run organisation decided to show ABC, they chose to omit XYZ.

    Big pharma is well known for dumping multiple studies on medicines that achieve negative outcomes, but the one that shows a positive correlation is presented as THE outcome.

    You can twist and present data however you want, but you can't fake methodologies... because they have to be able to be replicated, over and over.

    Transparency is everything....


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