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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    16 June 2024 - 09:53 PM

     isleaiw1, on 16 June 2024 - 01:43 PM, said:

    I am a school trustee, their biggest problem is teachers taking early retirement, there is a solution to that..

    The other problem is they spend too little time teaching and too much dealing with issues of the day - rewriting curriculums to not promote racism or the white view, deciding how to deal with the transgender issue, dealing with the ever increasing number of SEND students.

    Ps allowing leave without reimbursement is madness, and would never be sanctioned in the private sector... I had to repay my training costs if I left too soon after taking exams...

    I know, I am a teacher. However, in 12 years of teaching at two different schools I don't know any teacher that has taken their pension early. They have left early, the main reasons being the workload and the appalling attitude of the kids and the abuse they received.
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    16 June 2024 - 01:08 PM

    Let's be honest, the only real reason Labour are going to get into power is because of the dislike of the Tories since the pandemic and not because of the policies that they have come up with.

    If the Tories hadn't have annoyed people with parties in the pandemic and numerous other untrustworthy acts then we would be seeing another Tory government.

    The whole choice is woeful and the general public deserve better. It's the worst offering of political choice ever.

    And by the way, if they retained teachers with decent salaries and incentives to stay in the profession then the current number of new teachers required wouldn't need to be addressed. Rather than paying students a tax free ?30k as a bursary to then leave at the end of their training year without any finicial payback, they could use that 30k to keep teachers in the profession. A tax free 5k bonus after 5 years, 10k after 10 years and 15k after 20 years.
  3. In Topic: The Tory Scum Thread

    13 June 2024 - 09:23 PM

     isleaiw1, on 10 June 2024 - 08:41 PM, said:

    Ah, it was the financial crisis that caused the lack of money and not over spending, but the Tories shouldnt have done austerity anyway... Gordon Brown did a good job at the start of the financial crisis, not sure he was so good for the rest of the time, but that's also an opinion....

    And yes, I think the Lib Dem / Tory coalition was the best govt since 2010...not a high bar, but the question is will I still believe it in 5 years?

    Not worried about Starmer walking in, more worried about the unions having the keys too, as we say what happened in the 70s when they thought they had power...I was agreeing with Thornberry, by the way, thought it was good of her to tell the truth. A bit like Rayner in regards to Dianne Abbott.... not sure starmer will be as keen!

    You know how inflation can fall but prices are still going up, its the same with stemming the flow, debt can still be rising but less rapidly than it would be based on previous spending levels...

    Anyway, as I say, I look forward to you defending the events that transpire after 5th July. That will be quite humourous, and there will be so much whataboutery its untrue.... :)

    Will love to see how Labour deal with the North Sea Oil crisis after they continue to increase tax on oils firms. The problem is they won't actually raise any tax as most Oil companies will/are pull/pulling out. Shell and BPs profits from the UK barely register so very little income from them. At the same time, the UK's largest independent Oil firm Habour Energy have already declared they are moving production away from the North Sea in anticipation of Labour getting in. They have bought Wintershall and bought new fields in Africa. They did not even bid for any new licenses in the last round.

    All that will happen is, last tax income will be raised, thousands will lose their jobs in the Oil industry (Scottish losses mainly) and we will see an increase in energy bills again as we will have to buy our Oil from abroad. This time the rises will be preventable rather than forced through world events.

    Let's see if the promise of no tax rises in Income tax, NI VAT etc.

    6500 new teachers is meaningless.

    No short for people who are struggling.

    Anyone can spout ideas and policies, where is the money coming from to pay for all this as the country will not grow fast enough.

    Highly ambitious plans, unfortunately I can't see anything other than higher taxes in future due to a lack of economic growth in the time frame required.

    My view is that Labour will be the default winners. Not because that they are a credible opposition, but because people are fed up with the Tories.
  4. In Topic: Pitch Inspection

    20 February 2024 - 05:12 PM

    Not a chance that the game would be on. It has been hammering it down here and really strong winds all afternoon. The whole area for the past few weeks has had loads of rain, fields are saturated as well. I live 5 miles from the ground.
  5. In Topic: Hobbies

    21 November 2023 - 09:08 PM

    View PostJohnnyspireite7, on 21 November 2023 - 04:53 PM, said:

    Lego, mostly Technic but can turn my hand to most models, Have several of the big sets. Gets to be an expensive hobby.

    Apart from managing a kids football team, I also buy and restore lego and invest in in different sets. I have loads of the big sets.

    The wife gets annoyed at the amount we now have so it's in the storage area.


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    jack bauer 

    23 Nov 2016 - 19:19
    can you let me know joining details please, cant make the 1st meeting but very interested in being part of it
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    jack bauer 

    19 Nov 2016 - 00:08
    hey up, many twists n turns yet it seems, if da returns it is imperative that you continue this agenda, we have seen this week what havoc can occur with these millionaires. if he returns many will be fooled that we're ok, but you plan is crucial for the next time he throws one, that;s assuming he does return. my advice keep on it
  3. Photo

    jack bauer 

    15 Nov 2016 - 22:19
    hey up, read your post about bobs board meet up, I would like to be involved but have very little time and certainly can't make Saturday, would like to be involved though where I can.
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    24 Jun 2013 - 18:03
    level 3 training again please.
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    crawfords achilles 

    13 Nov 2012 - 21:28
    hiya, i dont know you so excuse my interest , but just seen yr message about being ex forces, i dont know if your already trying to sort yourself out advice wise, but a good mate of mine dave martin works for the British legion via the derbyshire unemployed workers centre, he specialises in trying to sort ex forces benefits etc out, all the best mark
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