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HoneyTrippa's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 391 Excellent
Active Posts:
2,541 (1.24 per day)
Most Active In:
Spireite Debate (2489 posts)
31-October 18
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User is offline Yesterday, 06:12 PM

My Information

Member Title:
First Team Player
60 years old
November 26, 1963
Male Male

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Topics I've Started

  1. York City Thread

    26 March 2024 - 07:57 AM

    Is this the best time for York City to be playing us !!! sore heads, promotion party blues, weve already done it mentality. Or will we see the lets carry on and get 100 points mentality. Be interesting on Friday.
  2. Solihull New Years Day Tickets

    27 December 2023 - 08:01 AM

    So heres the thing. The South Stand is showing as "Sold Out" for new years day and you are unable to purchase on line tickets. But I can guarantee there will be lots of empty seats. At the recent Aldershot game there were 3 empty seats next to me and also lots of other areas in the South Stand with empty seats. So friends bought tickets for the North Stand when we could have quite easily sat together in the South. Question is ..... Is there a resolution to this .....? I know its a tricky problem, has anyone got any constructive ideas that we could mention at the next fans forum.
  3. Oldham Thread

    17 August 2023 - 04:20 PM

    What an opportunity to really put a dint in the hopes of one of the main title contenders on Saturday. A win will see us on 12pts from 4 and Oldham on 3pts from 4, which will be 9pts behind us after just 4 games of the new season. There has never been a better opportunity to really turn the screw early, and put the pressure on, who many were considering being our main rivals this season. C'mon boys, lets do it.
  4. Langstaff & Mullin V Norwood & Grigg

    14 August 2023 - 11:45 AM

    Two games in and it seems like the National League has another Langstaff, Mullin scenario already. Everyone is talking who will come out on top between Norwood and Grigg. Thoughts anyone.?? Oldham will be reliant on Norwood to score their goals and hopefully playing 90 mins most games. Chesterfield dont have to totally rely on Grigg as they have other key players who can score in other areas and Grigg may not play as many minutes which points to Norwood being top scorer. But does Grigg receive better service from players around him ??? Gonna be interetsing.



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