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Holmesc1's Profile User Rating: -----

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08-May 21
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User is offline Today, 11:16 AM

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First Team Player
Age Unknown
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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 01:00 PM

     calvin plummers socks, on 13 June 2024 - 12:05 PM, said:

    No not that - but you have repeatedly wanted clubs to go out of business causing job losses, sneer at people in poverty and using food banks and sneer at those who question that and slag off the unions for helping the working man.
    I don?t agree with most of the stuff on football forums - but not many people make me think this guy is not very nice

    When have i wanted a club to go out of business, my gripe re southend is more with the league. And how am i sneering at poverty, more on about those who whinge about poverty but Re comfortable themselves
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 11:15 AM

     calvin plummers socks, on 13 June 2024 - 07:35 AM, said:

    You probably aren?t in real life but you sound like a really horrible person

    Just because i post something you dont agree with
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 07:10 AM

     The Earl of Chesterfield, on 12 June 2024 - 04:22 PM, said:

    Millions using food banks or clothes banks or heat banks or simply going without but Sunak knows their pain 'cos...

    ..only four channels as a kid...

    And you know there pain too because you have been there yourself?
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 06:20 AM

     isleaiw1, on 12 June 2024 - 05:14 PM, said:

    Bet there are lots of people who do have sky who would also be claiming to living in poverty...I imagine there are some using food banks who have sky too...

    Funny isnt it, we didnt have much as a kid, but my mates thought we must be well off as my dad worked at area offices and we lived in a newish bungalow. My dad earned less in the offices than he did at the pit but didnt have to do shifts or go underground so he took the trade. Yet when I got to uni, my friends thought we were poor as we only had one car and I'd never been abroad with my parents on holiday. Its all relative I guess...

    I have had sky but binned it off now as not much time to watch TV...

    Honestly you aint wrong, ive heard plenty pleasing poverty yet they still have sky tv, run a car etc. i know a single mother pleading poverty yet she still has subscriptions to streaming services, eats takeaways several times a week and drinks loads of booze. Sometimes (not always) its propaganda. Like these pensioners who cant afford to put the heating on
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    12 June 2024 - 08:13 AM

     isleaiw1, on 11 June 2024 - 05:20 PM, said:

    I can use punctuation, I can use long words and management gobbledygook if I have to. On here though I think plain and to the point and frankly I'd rather no punctuation than referring to someone as brov who isnt...

    Live and let live ffs....

    Think some folk like to pick holes for the sake of it


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