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First Team Player
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Topics I've Started

  1. Centre Half Pairing

    12 January 2024 - 10:35 AM

    I think we’d be unanimous in saying that the middle of the back four has been the area of the side that has raised the most concern for the past 18 months or so.

    And yet it is this area that we’ve not strengthened during this time.

    Grimes was a shoe in really but who went alongside him was a real head scratcher.

    So what are the thoughts now?

    Ash Palmer has served up a few clangers along the way and been given pelters on this board. I think I even recall him being referred to as one of the worst players we’ve had.
    However, the last couple of months since coming in for the injured Williams he’s been really good. Pushing MOM good on a few occasions.

    Miguel Freckleton was brought in, supposedly, as a quicker option in the central defensive position yet never had a look in and was shoehorned into the left back slot which clearly doesn’t suit him. The one real opportunity he’s had playing his preferred role ( against higher opposition ) he puts in a fantastic MOM performance.

    Ty Williams had the shirt and was pretty much accepted as Grimes’ partner. But injury allowed others to step in and perform very well.
    A return against Gateshead saw an accomplished performance back in the team, albeit against a poor side we allowed very little threat.

    The captain and widely accepted most improved and most capable centre half has missed three games. His missing was viewed by many, myself included, as a real problem. But it didn’t work out that way. His understudies gave as all something to think about.

    So there we have it. There’s left and right footers, leaders and commanding players, players with a bit more pace, players better with their distribution and so on.

    Is it a conundrum? Or is it straightforward?

    I think it’s much more the former than it was a month ago. We’ve got four centre halves all putting in very good performances, albeit some over longer periods than others.

    I’m going for Grimes as he’s been brilliant for us, captain of the team and doesn’t deserve to not lead the side in the home stretch and Williams.
    Williams offers a bit of pace and, again, was playing really well before his lay off.

    Thoughts on a post card……,
  2. Racism In Rugby

    27 October 2023 - 06:16 PM

    So England player Tom Curry alleges a black South African player referred to him as a ‘white c##t’ during their semi final showdown last week.
    This is reported to the ref.

    Curry alleges this is the second occasion the same black player has racially abused him.

    World rugby conduct a thorough and robust investigation over a few days ( yeah, I know ) and conclude insufficient evidence.
    Nothing to see here.

    It looks like they didn’t even take the time, or show the courtesy , of actually allowing the person making this racial allegation to give their account.

    Anybody really surprised by the outcome? I mean, really? Would this have happened if the roles had been reversed?

    I think the answer is glaringly obvious.

    On the flip side, Luther Burrell reports racist abuse he received in the game earlier this year.

    The RFU conclude that racism exists at every level of elite rugby.

    Apparently Burrells allegation of racism was found to be reliable and was made to help eradicate the racism ( from the white Person ) from the game.

    It looks like Tom Curry’s account was just a pack ( no pun intended ) of malicious lies then…..



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