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stevie_b's Profile User Rating: -----

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16-December 08
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User is offline Jun 11 2024 04:20 PM

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Member Title:
First Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Female Female
Steel City

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Topics I've Started

  1. Winding Wheel Tonight

    29 September 2023 - 10:57 AM

    Right: random, I know. And unlikely to generate interest on a male dominated forum but it all comes about due to my Football Buddy (aka Poppet), who is a male Spireite, so who knows?

    Dollar (girl/boy cheesy pop duo from the 80s) are at the Winding Wheel tonight. I could often be found singing along with my hairbrush in the early 80s (yep, I had girly hair back then) 😆

    Poppet and his partner have front row 'meet and greet' tickets; he loves his 80s pop. However, his partner has decided that she wants to visit a friend in Reading tomorrow and Poppet has grabbed the opportunity to go to Maidenhead 😍 They're off this afternoon.

    I'm going to watch Dollar tonight and just wondered if anyone fancied reliving their youth and coming along. It's a free evening out and you'll get a pic with Thereza B after the show. What more could anyone want? 😯😚😘

    If not, then I'll sing and dance on me own 😀😍
  2. Shirt Advice

    28 September 2023 - 05:16 PM

    So ..... I have a friend. Hard to believe, I know, but it's true 😆

    T's first match was away at West Brom on a freezing January evening. She loved it and has since come to a couple of home games, where we won 4-3 and 3-2. She probably thinks it's always like this but her time will come: a midweek away game at Hartlepool in January. It will be raining on the open away end, they'll have run out of hot drinks and the toilets will be out of order. Score will be 0-0, with a complete absence of any action and the bus will break down on the way home 😯 Anyway, I digress ....

    I'd like to get her the orange away shirt for her birthday in December. Can anyone tell me how I go about getting her name put on the back? 🙏

    Big thanks in advance, chaps 😘
  3. Ticket For Satdee

    17 August 2023 - 10:13 AM

    Morning all, my Football Buddy has decamped to Sunny Beach in Bulgaria for the month, meaning his season ticket is available for Saturday.

    If anyone can use it, please let me know. Yes, you will have to sit next to me. No, I won't talk at you throughout the match; I take the footie seriously.

    Anyway, it's available if needed 😍⚽
  4. Memories

    06 August 2023 - 09:07 AM

    So, it all starts off with my football buddy, Poppet, who's taken himself off to Sunny Beach in Bulgaria for the month. Nice enough but ..... missing the first match of the season? What's that all about? Well, put simply, it's his fiancée, and not me, who pulls the strings. Probably as it should be but ...... first match of the season????

    So, I find myself in possession of a spare season ticket and in search of a new pal for the day. Let me introduce you to my gym buddy. Her name is T and she keeps me on the straight and narrow with my training sessions. She is just fab and I love her loads. Back in January, I also found myself looking for a buddy to go to West Brom. To be fair, Poppet was working and couldn't make it. There didn't seem much enthusiasm for a trip down to the Midlands in mid winter. But T stepped up for her first ever football match: first ever. We booked on the supporters coach and off we went. T picked up all the songs on the day and within half an hour was standing up and joining in like a pro. Bear in mind that we're two pension aged women: not that it should matter, but it kinda makes me laugh :) Anyway T loved it and seemed really keen to come again.

    Fast forward to yesterday. Yes, T was free. Yes, she'd love to come. This was how the day went.

    Caught the X17 from God's Own Country into Tahn. Believe it or not, I've never been up past Saltergate since it disappeared and became a housing estate. I'd been going there since I was eleven or twelve - yes, not as long as some of you, I know - but I just haven't been able to do it. But T wanted to know what my childhood looked like and I needed to go back. So we headed up to the old place, and walked right around where the ground would have been, with me giving a running commentary on what used to be where. I got a bit emotional but I held it together pretty well.

    Back down Saltergate, we headed to the Barley Mow for lunch. T was keen for me to recreate what a Saturday would have looked like when I used to go to Saltergate. So, lunch at the Barley Mow, which was just fab. It was busy and bustling; just like to old days. Fans were in there: looks like the old days never went away. We were both quite saintly and avoided the chips but we're definitely having them next time.

    T wanted to have a look round town. We did a quick once round and then it was time to walk up to the ground. Up to Tesco, past the Apple and to the South Stand turnstiles. T was too eager and flashed her card before the system was ready and couldn't get in :lol: A quick word with the steward and all was sorted. In we went.

    T asked if we would see goals. I said yes, I thought we would. I didn't predict seven though. T loved watching the attacking action and was most disgruntled that we had to change ends at half time and that the second half did not afford such a decent view of the goals :lol:

    What a game and what a result for a new supporter's first home game. Poppet got his equipment rigged up and watched it from Sunny Beach with his nephew, who I think, via a couple of the pre-season friendlies, we've converted from Sheffield Wednesday to Town. I'm not normally a fan of conversion therapy but sometimes it's just necessary :blush:

    Back over the road for the X17. The bus struggled all the way up the bypass and finally gave up just past Meadowhead :o Not to worry, we were safely back in Yorkshire :lol: We jumped off and the driver negotiated with the driver of a passing 24 to take us back home.

    What an absolutely perfect day. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did :wub:
  5. Last Night – Programme

    12 July 2023 - 09:35 AM

    Morning Bob's Board,

    I'm looking for the guy sitting in O12 on the Kop last night. You're a retired teacher, who taught up in the north east for many years before retiring and moving south and making the Spireites your team, and were with your Sheffield Wednesday supporting friend, who lives in Coventry. Your name might be Steve but ... I could have made that up :blink: and your usual seat is in the East Stand.

    Anyway, you left your programme behind. It's a nice souvenir edition and, if you collect these things, I thought you might like to have it. I've taken it home for safe keeping but happy to hand it over before a home match anytime.

    If anyone recognises 'Steve', please ask him to get in touch.

    Big thanks in advance :)


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  1. Photo


    22 Dec 2020 - 18:58
    Test to see if you receive this:)
  2. Photo


    09 Dec 2020 - 11:40
    Hi Stevie - I read your recent post #44 "I haven't seen my family or friends in months. My parents are elderley and vulnerable and so I'll be doing Christmas on my own". From a fellow Spireite im genuinely Sorry to hear that - don't get down. PM me anytime and we can have a virtual coffee and laugh. Despite the circumstances - hope you have a joyous and peaceful Xmas. Best W...
  3. Photo


    09 Oct 2019 - 13:32
    Hi Stevie - Hope you get well soon. If you are on Windows 10 you can hit the "windows key" and the "full stop" tab together on your keyboard and it will bring the "emoticon" menu up:)
  4. Photo


    23 Jan 2019 - 13:09
    Well, I was born in Yorkshire and I've lived most of my life in Yorkshire so, yep ..... guess I am :-)
  5. Photo


    22 Jan 2019 - 16:17
    A Spireite in Steel City are you exiled Stevie??
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