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Middle East's Profile User Rating: *----

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09-May 06
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User is offline Today, 05:18 AM

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Total Legend..
18 years old
May 9, 2006
Male Male
Its fair to say i have a passing interest in chesterfield fc!

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 07:46 PM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 05 June 2024 - 07:42 PM, said:

    So you agree then because the last 14 years have been exceedingly sh1t, the next 5 can be not quite as sh1t and its a result? I have higher hopes but sadly think we are in for another 5 years of crap, say one thing and do something different... as the debt level rises, the tax take rises, services get more money and get no better...

    At least by the next one I'll be able to decide what I think and sod off somewhere else if I dont like the options...

    and I will be enjoying my gold plated public sector pension healthily boosted by 5 years of a Labour Government..... ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 07:32 PM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 05 June 2024 - 07:27 PM, said:

    You say we have moved on but have we....? Farage seems popular and all he talks about is stopping the boats. Labour kept saying we have a plan, lets get away from chaos of conservatives, and Sunak just kept saying be bold. Its all about the sound bites, Labour havent even issued their manifesto yet....

    And we will be substituting one bunch of incompetent, stretch the truth, do nothing to really change things for... a party that are saying they will stick to the same fiscal rules, not raise any of the big taxes (really) and will just tinker round the edges... and have stuck in a bunch of numbers for where the money will come from which frankly are as made up as the Tories ?2k tax increase...

    What we do need is a bold party that stops trying to save the sacred cows that arent working, learns from what others are doing in other countries, and do something radical....

    Labour could issue a copy of the 1978 edition of the beano annual as their manifesto and it would still be more coherent than the last 14 years of abject Tory chaos...

    Farage!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 07:16 PM

    View Posts42blue, on 05 June 2024 - 05:37 PM, said:

    Absolute rubbish. He was flustered and didnt seem to know how to counter. Im glad youre not buying it because thats just spin to recover some ground.

    To be fair SKS could have avoided the whole shebang then hid in a fridge avoided any questions and repeatedly said 'let's get BREXIT done' and still get elected!!! Ring any bells? Thankfully we have moved on...

    Instead IMO he aquitted himself well, answered all the questions and didn't lie about the treasury calculating a £2000 increase in tax paid by every household under labour....when all civil service departments have to remain impartial, so couldn't have done that even if asked!

    To be fair Labour could have put up a deaf, mute, insane donkey for the debate but that would still be better than any of the past 4 (and counting) Tory PM's.

    The Conservative party is a busted flush. Roll on July....
  4. In Topic: Good Places To Eat In Chesterfield?

    03 June 2024 - 06:49 AM

    View PostCFC91, on 02 June 2024 - 12:12 PM, said:

    Just been to the Gate Inn for Sunday dinner. Really enjoyed it - had the Pue instead of roast for a change but still enjoyed it

    Got to say the Pue doesn't sound that appetising...
  5. In Topic: Rob Burrow

    02 June 2024 - 06:19 PM

    Tragic loss! Showed what was the best of humanity.....

    RIP true hero.


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