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The Earl of Chesterfield's Profile User Rating: **---

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25,984 (4.36 per day)
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Spireite Debate (18901 posts)
24-February 08
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User is offline Today, 05:20 AM

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Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male
With the Rainbow People

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 08:15 PM

    Sky Yougov poll: SKS 64% v Sunak 36%...
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 08:03 PM

    Sunak in Grimsby - I genuinely thought a towel might come flying in from the sidelines on several occasions.

    But the winner?

    Beth Rigby...
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 04:22 PM

    Millions using food banks or clothes banks or heat banks or simply going without but Sunak knows their pain 'cos...

    ..only four channels as a kid...
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 08:24 AM

    Buuuut anyway, I see Sunak has not only continued digging himself into his D Day hole, but taken a JCB to it.

    Y'know how he accused those criticising his exit - in other words the very vet's he left standing on the beaches they liberated eighty years ago - as "politicising" events? Well we now know he scuttled off home to take part in...a political interview.

    Worse still he apologised for returning late from Normandy because...'things ran over'.

    Yeah, how dare those who gave everything and assembled world dignitaries delay someone as important as him...
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 07:54 AM

     Mr Mercury, on 12 June 2024 - 06:13 AM, said:

    Yes they need a broad outlook, eg, someone with mild right of centre views to balance out those spouting hard left rhetoric is always a good idea.
    Re already sending my views in on Starmer, firstly that really wouldn?t be fair and would render my view worthless and also imply I?ve a rigid unswerving biased view politically and I?m not like that, unlike some, also, how could I when they don?t send the link to the survey until the debate and Q and A has finished?

    Thanks, mate.

    Always good to start the day with your self satirising gags...


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