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Mr Mercury's Profile User Rating: ***--

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Spireite Debate (25853 posts)
06-June 05
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Age Unknown
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My family and Chesterfield then anything else that I care to chance my arm at.

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: England Squad.

    Today, 10:02 AM

    Throw the England T20 lot into this thread as well
  2. In Topic: Dunkley & Grimes

    Yesterday, 08:59 PM

    View PostDerbySpireite59, on 08 June 2024 - 08:51 PM, said:

    I suspect Jamie Grines remains captain whilst Cookie's manager and Jamie's a starter.

    Agreed 100%
  3. In Topic: England Squad.

    Yesterday, 08:36 PM

    View PostMisnomer, on 08 June 2024 - 08:29 PM, said:

    Completely disagree.

    Keegan was all about attack and had no defensive nouse.

    Venables brought us into the arena, Gazza was unplayable, and we were a whisker away from getting to the final and winning in ?96. We made an excellent Dutch team look like Weymouth.

    Hoddle was brilliant and let us play with flair and freedom. We were robbed against Argentina and I think would have won it. If it wasn't for him talking sh?t about disabled people, he'd have brought us a title.

    Sven gave Rooney free reign, and we were more than capable of winning Euro 2004, and if wasn't for spunkys awful positioning, we'd have beaten Brazil and probably won in 2002. Then Rooney's sending off in 2006, did us again.

    And, it might have been a friendly (never is) but, our demolition of Germany, on their patch, was one of the best performances of all meddling.

    None of these managers played with some kind of shackles or meddling from above. We've been seriously unlucky.

    Despite the conveyor belt of talent, Southgate has been one of the most negative managers we've ever had. Look at the goals we've scored under Southgate.... within five secs, can anyone name a spectacular goal? I can't. Yet, you can with all those previous managers. That's Southgate shackling the players; it's not coming from above.

    Agree with all that apart from the 5-1 win over there was a qualifier wasn?t it?
  4. In Topic: England Squad.

    Yesterday, 09:05 AM

    View Postspireitetoo, on 08 June 2024 - 08:13 AM, said:

    I'm not Southgate fan, but he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, for yrs folk ( probs even some of those moaning on here) have been calling for the england squad to be in form players rather than the tried and trusted favourites from tournaments passed, so when he does pick the inform players, he gets pelters again.
    Eze looks a great player, very direct, as does Gordon, guehi had a steady game, and they played the ball well, we came up against these tactics ourselves many times over the last 6yrs, and we didn't always break them down either, the result was irrelevant as was the game, the real thing starts next Sunday ( for us) and then we'll have a real idea how things are gunna go...

    Top tip jude Bellingham player of the tournament. 👍

    It?s not so much who he picks that folk are moaning about, it?s the way he gets them to play when he?s picked them!
  5. In Topic: The Debate

    Yesterday, 08:10 AM

    View PostThe Earl of Chesterfield, on 08 June 2024 - 07:58 AM, said:

    Flicked between England and this cringe-fest.

    Equally demoralising.

    As said Farage did his usual demagoguery. Division...hypocrisy...victimhood...and of course he's the only one 'brave enough to say it as it is'.

    Or as the moral majority call it, 'peddle bigotry'.

    But the scariest thing of all is we have a front line politician now advocating US style health insurance. The bigger your wallet, the better your chances. And if you can't afford the gold star standard? Well, best of British.

    Daftest part is it's the very demographic needing the NHS most largely supporting him.

    Then the Tory tactic is clearly just to shout out lies, then shout down challenge. Thought the usually excellent Mishal Hussein was weak in allowing it, too.

    Angie Raynor was like a kid on best behaviour, though. I got the impression she really wanted to fire back but tried to adopt the adage about being dragged down to others levels. Meaning she ended up neither here nor there.

    Daftest part is Farage is the best ally Labour have. Other than the utterly incompetent Sunak himself, of course. They'll win seat after seat after seat simply because he'll split the anti immigrant vote.

    The irony is beyond hilarious...

    I didn?t see any of it but ?the very demographic needing the NHS most largely supporting him?, I assume you mean the working class ?man on the street?..yet the ?moral majority?, , where do you get that % and view of morality from btw? ?Call it peddling bigotry? ..
    So the working ?man? and the poor and needy are supporting a bigot? Magnanimous of you to make that assumption for them.
    And “splitting the anti immigrant vote” well I’m sure many of those will be voting Labour won’t they, after Starmer says he’ll slash the numbers. Looking forward to seeing Labours actual wording of that in their manifesto and see how it compares to other parties. And once again why, If all those coming here illegally are fleeing war, famine and persecution why do we need to slash the numbers? Unless its like many peoples genuine concerns that Labour realise the numbers are unsustainable and that many coming here shouldn’t be?


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