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User is offline Today, 08:24 PM

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With the Rainbow People

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  1. In Topic: The Tory Scum Thread

    Today, 08:24 PM

     isleaiw1, on 10 June 2024 - 07:20 PM, said:

    finance crisis was caused by the over leveraging of junk debt in the uk.... and i think you mean the man widely credited for selling the countries gold too cheaply and raiding pensions, causing deficits for many final salary schemes in the private sector and leading to them being withdrawn...

    that bloke?

    who also oversaw the boom in pfi schemes that are crippling the country now.

    yep, its all about opinions... you seem to forget that yours was too, hence me posting as though mine was fact....

    bit like the opinions on class sizes following vat implementation, some poll suggests 29% of kids will rejoin the state system... guess we will see soon unless he changes his mind on that too..

    See the Lib Dems have found the magic money tree too - but at least they seem to have recognised that care system needs some help....

    I thought a bloke with your background would know the international banking crisis began in the US sub prime markets, Ian. Meaning the 'Labour spent all the money' line was as ignorant as it was predictable.

    And for all your scornful squirming, yup, it was the Gordon Brown whose name you can't bring yourself to say that convinced other leaders to re-finance their way out of recession.

    Oh, and in't it funny how you'll regurgitate stuff from more than a quarter century ago when it suits, but dismiss the Lib' Dem's more recent austerity endorsing hypocrisies as irrelevant history.

    Then I'm somehow to blame for you peddling prejudice as fact? That's pretty playground, pal.

    We're still waiting for the comparative national debt levels requested to support your "(the tories) stemmed the flow of cash" assertion, too. We both know they won't be forthcoming 'cos they'll prove you wrong though, don't we. Which's summat you'll never, ever admit.

    For what it's worth I'm gonna keep posting links and quotes and evidence of right wing corruptions. Just as everyone knows you'll keep ignoring each and every episode to post increasingly desperate whataboutery. I mean, saying word zero to condemn the latest example of Reform scummery to pursue a single unguarded comment from Emily Thornberry? With the same disturbing zeal you pursued Angie Raynor?

    The prospect of a victorious Sir Kier walking into Number Ten really is taking it's toll in you, isn't it...
  2. In Topic: The Tory Scum Thread

    Today, 06:13 PM

     isleaiw1, on 10 June 2024 - 05:55 PM, said:

    Its an interesting one so lets discuss the facts....

    1979 - after the worst industrial unrest for a generation, and with a country that was the laughing stock of Europe, they came to power and like it not, changed Britain - and I'd suggest after a few very tough years (sometimes medicine is unpleasant) things improved...

    2010- well wasnt that the one where the general view was Labour had spent all the money and we were up the creek without a paddle... not sure life got any better for many although they probably stemmed the flow of cash going out...

    Looking forward to seeing Labour have to deal with the issues and seeing that its not just a case of lobbing out some soundbites...

    I tend to ignore your almost pathological whataboutery these days Ian, but couldn't help laughing at you saying "let's discuss facts" immediately followed by two sentences of opinion.

    But if you really do want to focus on facts, please post the reasons for worldwide economic collapse of 2008, who was widely acknowledged as leading the West out of it and what the national debt was then compared to now...
  3. In Topic: Putin..

    Today, 05:51 PM

     Siberian Spireite, on 10 June 2024 - 04:17 PM, said:

    I guess it's all about Trump pulling strings, trying to deny Biden the right to claim he has defeated Putin. Trump's sole concern is himself rather than stopping the march of tyranny through Europe. I also guess Republican speaker Mike Johnson had been influenced by Russia, directly or indirectly via his party, to keep delaying the aid for as long as possible.

    What's just as disturbing than the prospect of a pro Putin dictator in the Whitehouse is the number of far right European parties adopting a similar stance...
  4. In Topic: The Tory Scum Thread

    Today, 05:47 PM

     s42blue, on 10 June 2024 - 07:50 AM, said:

    Why dont they press the self destruct button and be done?

    Trust no one.

    They already have done.

    And here's yet more proof... https://www.huffingt...4b0a01ba85b4df2
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 05:43 PM

    Just when we thougt they couldn't go any lower...

    Maybe this creep 'doesn't understand British values' either.

    But hold on - isn't he only parroting this bloke?



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