Bob's Board: Manfred Archie Mac Gerbil - Viewing Profile - Bob's Board

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Manfred Archie Mac Gerbil's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 102 Excellent
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1,280 (3.56 per day)
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Personal (841 posts)
16-June 23
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User is offline Apr 12 2024 03:52 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Reserve Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male

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Topics I've Started

  1. Cashless Society

    17 March 2024 - 08:25 AM

    In the last week Macdonalds, Tesco, Sainsburys and Argos all hit with massive cyber attacks, meaning customers unable to purchase goods.

    Any small businesses who refuse to deal in cash are basically committing professional suicide if this can happen to the big boys.

    Not a very good start is it?

    Cash is king!
  2. Merry Xmas

    19 December 2023 - 04:26 PM

    Good afternoon fellow Spireites, this isn’t an attention seeking thread btw, this is my last post on here (which I’m sure most of you are delighted about).

    Me and the family are relocating, moving house, changing jobs and I’m gonna be really busy reinventing myself over the next few months and I’m gonna have a break from the internet for a while so I thought I’d take this opportunity to say a fond farewell and to spread some festive cheer.

    I’ve really enjoyed this last 6 months chatting with you fellas on here, IMO this is the greatest message board on the World Wide Web and the fun and banter has been highly entertaining and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my exchanges with EVERYONE on here, even those who don’t like me, in fact they’ve been some of the funniest so a very special thank you to the likes of Earl, Spoon, JohnnySpireite, S42blue, Isleaiw1, Town Fan, Fishini, Blue Roan Lilly Spireitetoo and Quake who kept me entertained for hours with their sniping and anger, also big thanks to our favourite mod Moondog for lifting my ban, protecting my identity and assisting me in advocating the right to free speech (PS you can permanently delete my account now pal cheers).

    Also thanks everybody for all the PMs I’ve had over the last 6 months especially the ones offering support on the Covid thread, Putin thread and the Remembrance Day thread, in fact massive respect to those people who were actually intelligent enough to understand the message I was conveying rather than treating it as an act of war and apologies to those who sent PMs that I’ve been unable to reply to because mine don’t work, the most recent one was yesterday (cheers Eddie Melt) who I’d barely previously noticed but sent a warm hearted message yesterday (what a nice guy btw) and I’m also sorry I couldn’t reply to the abusive ones either (they had me in stitches) but I won’t embarrass the culprits by naming them although the poster who used asterisks to swear at me via PM was particularly amusing.

    My job here’s done now, I returned 6 months ago after seeing what was happening around here to break the Clique mentality that was ruining the place, return the right of free speech and to deliver my message and I’ve completed what I set out to do, fact is barely anyone even used this section until I started using it years ago, then I got banned and then over the years completely took over by a clique that didn’t even allow an alternative viewpoint but now thanks to me and our fair moderators we’ve now restored the right to free speech on Bobs Board where everyone’s views are allowed whatever they are so we’ve got the place exactly back how it should be.

    I’ll finally say goodbye to a few other of my favourite posters around here (sorry if I missed anyone, it’s nothing personal, there’s loads on here) but a fond farewell to young Holmes, CPS, Mr Mercury, Goku, Bonnyman, Search and Destroy, Turrhall, Valley Blues, Oldgoat, Warfey, DIFH, Gordon Brittas, Stokey, Azabrown and anybody I’ve missed out I’m so sorry but the ones mentioned I enjoyed all your contributions even if I disagreed with many them.

    I may return at some point in the distant future once I’m less busy and more settled so I’ll state now that if I return with a different handle then please don’t think I’m deceiving anybody as it probably won’t be another anagram as nobody got the last 1 (disappointedly) but never mind.

    Never be afraid to voice your opinions regardless what they are, no one’s got the right to silence you or belittle you because you have a different viewpoint, we broke the clique, removed the pecking order and returned free speech to Bobs Board and we can all be proud of what we’ve achieved this year.





    Peace and Love


    Over and Out




  3. When Is It

    11 December 2023 - 09:54 AM

    I’m hoping we get Oldham at home, that should be a nice easy game after they scraped through on penalties after a 3-3 draw at Boundary Park with Mickleover and that’s with a full strength team.
  4. Rememberence Day

    08 November 2023 - 03:43 PM

    Ever since 2002 this event is getting worse and worse.

    Prior to that it was nothing more than a harmless farce, since then it’s slowly becoming more right wing and has such a strong political agenda I say we should do away with this charade.

    Nearly all WW2 vets are dead now anyway and the whole event is turning into nothing more than a national security risk.

    I’m seriously suggesting we should announce this years event as being the final one and put this daft farce to bed once and for all.

  5. Skegness

    29 August 2023 - 08:55 PM

    I’m currently in Skegness, not been for a few years, for anyone thinking of visiting I’ll recommend people to try somewhere else. It’s got to be 1 of the angriest places in the country, I’ve literally just avoided a riot in Welly’s bar, old bill all over it and 2 riot vans, the suspects have fled, I managed to get out as well back to my hotel room, I only went for a quiet pint, no chance around here, I’m looking out of my window now and the coppers are still searching for the suspects who fled in all directions.

    Earlier today I saw a fat woman throw a vape at her husband outside the pub next to the Embassy theatre, it hit him in the eye and then he took a swing at her, I saw a big dog take a s*** on the path next to the burger van next to the beach and nobody said anything, I walked past it later and I could see someone must have trodden in it. I saw a line of parked cars and everyone of them had been issued a ticket, you can’t move for mobility scooters, there’s McDonald’s litter all over the place, I even saw a bloke trip over a large empty milkshake container but he was drunk and should have been looking where he’s going. There’s boy racers tearing up and down the high street, loads of people begging outside the amusement arcade, 1 of them says ‘have a nice evening’ and if you don’t respond he tells you to f*** off.

    That’s just today on a quiet Tuesday evening, I was out last night and it was even worse, the quietest safest place for a drink is the Steamboat Inn, the food looked crap though and I can get a far better pint in Alfreton Wetherspoons but at least I didn’t hear as much swearing or see any punches thrown. I won’t be coming back here for a while until it cleans up his act that’s for sure.
