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07-June 05
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User is offline Yesterday, 09:12 PM

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  1. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 09:15 PM

     gordon_brittas, on 16 June 2024 - 08:35 PM, said:

    This is where I am at sadly. An underachieving side with a manager with ultra negative tactics.

    And little to no idea how to change it

    Southgate is England?s wheel clamp
  2. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 09:12 PM

    Serbia made a change in how they play - and up their game and threaten. Second half - play like that against better sides it won?t be a 1-0

    Southgate does nothing to change it tactically

    As with Croatia and Italy.

    Ok we won and that?s a plus and we?re in pole position in the group but Southgate?s limitations are still the same ones and are still there
  3. In Topic: Putin..

    15 June 2024 - 10:43 PM

    So anyway, back on topic

    After the push by Russia on the poorly defended lines in the northern Kherson region the Ukrainians have pushed and stabilised the lines. Not back to the Russian start lines but back - at a cost of around 2300 Russians a day for the last month

    No other nation on earth, apart from China and North Korea would be able to politically sustain such losses - which gives you N insight into what sort of regime is in power i the Kremlin
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    15 June 2024 - 09:29 PM

     isleaiw1, on 15 June 2024 - 09:00 PM, said:

    It's an interesting concept of debate where bits that you don't like don't get responded to and instead a new post is made....

    The result is a foregone conclusion this time but like with Boris,do the public really know what they are letting themselves in for..

    2m new NHS appointments - isn't that less than 1%.... and we don't have any staff to man them...

    6500 new teachers - but what are they doing to attract them?

    A growing NHS funding problem that will only get worse - not mentioned....

    And no acceptance of the position we are really in except some magical growth from somewhere that will pay for everything!

    The UK GB green power is a great idea. Fairly low outlay, 0 return for the first 5 years or so, but the next 20 is just a win. No cost for them in terms of network because UK power networks maintain the grid. That future income can be used to mortgage investment in other devices, and of course year by year each new wind farm will increase this.

    The report from 10 years ago into the railways (independant government funded report) concluded nationalisation of the railways would centralise ticket prices, reduce cost to the passengers. Would reduce running costs due to things like HR coming under 1 umbrella instead of many. So of course the tories ignored that

    AgIn zero cost. Let the Francis?s expire and just take in house.

    2 policies that have benefits to the nation and the treasury and the environment

    What?s not to like about that?
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    15 June 2024 - 08:36 PM

     Mr Mercury, on 15 June 2024 - 05:24 PM, said:

    So those who voted for Brexit were ?conned and hoodwinked??
    Those who voted for Boris were ?duped by get ?Brexit done? and the Mailesque media.
    Those who vote Tory this time are possibly ?morally bankrupt? and happy to support liars and Charlatans?
    And those who vote Reform this time, well ?clownish doesn?t come close to describing those who?d vote for it?? I?d imagine your buzz words of bigot, barely concealed racist etc would be your way of describing them? Apologies if wrong..
    Then you had the audacity to claim in a previous post that the list of posters who won?t debate with you grows ever longer! I wonder why?

    Like Skinner, Crow and Benn.

    Anti Euro xenophobic Tory Scammers.


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