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Johnnyspireite7's Profile User Rating: -----

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Spireite Debate (13252 posts)
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User is offline Today, 03:42 PM

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49 years old
May 9, 1975
Male Male
Halfway from the Gutter to the Stars
Town, Formula 1, England & Yorkshire Cricket.

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 11:39 AM

    View PostThe Earl of Chesterfield, on 08 June 2024 - 11:21 AM, said:

    Farage certainly has a loose relationship with democracy.

    Who voted him leader of Reform? Or it's earlier incarnation the Brexit party? And has he at any point condemned the Trump inspired Jan sixth terrorist coup?

    Definitely not on the plethora of platforms he's shared with US racists and conspiracy theorists.

    Then maybe hatred is too strong a word. Ignorant xenophobia is probably nearer. Wonder how many of his followers could narrate his health plans? The majority of whom are sixty-plus needing free and unlimited NHS access the most, of course. His plans to slash taxes for millionaires like himself? In fact any other policy than vilifying non straight white minorities?

    Spot on that anyone with any grasp of history realises demagogues like him always target the less well educated with populism, though. Easy answers to complex problems. 'Othering' whichever section of society proves convenient.

    Hell, the Nazis literally gave beer and bread to the poor to garner support.

    But as said the great irony of this election is his vanity guaranteeing Labour a huge majority. Perhaps it's SKS who should give him the knighthood Johnson reneged upon...

    Won't ever happen, The King and his son would both say, 'No, sorry, we have got some standards'.
  2. In Topic: England Squad.

    Today, 09:18 AM

    View PostMr Mercury, on 08 June 2024 - 09:05 AM, said:

    It?s not so much who he picks that folk are moaning about, it?s the way he gets them to play when he?s picked them!

    Are they incapable of independent thought? Are they not capable of saying amongst themselves 'This isn't working let's try this instead'? I've seen Saka do it for Arsenal and Foden at Man City. Bear in mind our best midfielder wasn't in either of the warm-up games after his exertions winning the Champions League with Real. He's the glue that pulls everything together.
  3. In Topic: England Squad.

    Today, 05:50 AM

     Brookie, on 07 June 2024 - 08:03 PM, said:

    Grealish can put his foot on the ball and create, mistake leaving him out

    And hasn't done if for months for Man City let alone England. Pep can't be wrong as well can he?
  4. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Today, 12:39 AM

    When did the BBC update their website and realign the teams? Missed that happening. It's official now, we're back in the league!
  5. In Topic: England Squad.

    Yesterday, 05:43 AM

    View PostWestbars Spireite, on 07 June 2024 - 05:40 AM, said:

    He's injured. That's the reason he's been left out. Wouldn't have been fit until any knock out games.

    Same with Grealish, same injury, calf.


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