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User is offline Jun 26 2023 06:19 AM

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  1. In Topic: Media Priorities

    26 June 2023 - 06:15 AM

    View PostThe Earl of Chesterfield, on 23 June 2023 - 06:33 AM, said:

    What's more tragic: the deaths of five so called 'thrill seekers' in the North Atlantic or thousands of migrants in the Med'?


    I thought this report may be of interest to you.

    THE wife and mother of a billionaire and teenage boy who died in the Titan submersible has said she lost hope after the search reached the 96-hour mark.

    Christine Dawood, lost her husband, Shahzada Dawood, and 19-year-old son, Suleman, after the sub they were travelling on to view the Titanic wreck imploded in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Speaking to the BBC in Saint John’s Newfoundland, where the vessel embarked last Sunday, Ms Dawood, who had been on the search boat with her daughter looking for her loved ones, said: “I lost hope when we passed the 96 hours mark – that’s when I lost hope. That was when I sent a message to my family on shore and said ‘I’m preparing for the worst’.”

    She said she never wanted to hear the sentence “we lost comm” – signalling the submarine had lost communication with the outside world – ever again.

    Asked what her last words were to her husband, who was one of Pakistan’s wealthiest businessmen, and her son, she said: “We just hugged and joked actually, because Shazada was so excited to go down he was like a little child. He had this ability of childlike excitement so they both were so excited.”

    It comes as the US Coastguard ordered a far-reaching inquiry into the disaster which could lead to criminal and civil action being taken against those held responsible.

    It has convened a Marine Board of Investigation – the highest level of investigation conducted by the US Coastguard.

    Captain Jason Neubauer, who will head the inquiry, said its main task is to report on the cause of the accident which claimed five lives. “The MBI, however, is also responsible for accountability aspects of the incident,” he added. “And it can make recommendations to the proper authorities to pursue civil or criminal sanctions as necessary. However, any subsequent enforcement activities would be pursued under a separate investigation.”

    Other maritime safety bodies, including Britain’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch, can also request to take part in the inquiry.
  2. In Topic: Media Priorities

    25 June 2023 - 08:14 AM

    View PostQuaker, on 23 June 2023 - 03:11 PM, said:

    Who is running away, Chris? CPS is just a pleb who likes to argue, mostly over grammar.

    Harding has accomplished a lot and is known as an explorer so was the French guy. I suspect the problem you and many others have with him is he was exceptionally wealthy.

    CPS Spoke out about Harding just being a rich man getting his kicks and far from being an explorer, I provided information showing that is not true. Now because he is a billionare that weakens his case in your eyes and thats fine, he has nothing to prove to you or anyone, well he's hardly in a position to now. Trekking to the South Pole is not to be sniffed at, he's done it 8 times, comparing that to a bucket list kinda thing, to me, seems a little bit niaive to say the least. I will hazzard a guess you have never spent any length of time below -25Deg C.

    Should we no longer explore space or should we no longer climb moutains or push ourselves for science. I know I won't change your train of though, something I have learned over the years and I am fine with what you believe and what you don't believe, its of no conscequence to me. I have provided evidence that the man was classed as an explorer, and we know providing facts or evidence is something you demand of people but lets face it, if the evidence isn't to your personal satisfaction its rubbish.

    Someone climbing Kinder Scout for the first time is exploring, someone scuba diving off the coast of Cornwall is exploring, thats just my view.

    I read from your post you wanted to discuss how the media has presented two different stories, I just gave you my view on why I think that is so and you go off wanting to define what is or is not an explorer and trashing my view because its different to yours. A friend of mine I class an Explorer his name is Louis Rudd, you should get his book out of the library and read it then write to him and tell him he isn't an explorer.

    Your definition is different from mine I am fine with that but have a little decency and class and show just a tiny bit of respect for the view or opinion of others. Get this, If you don't want too, I am happy with that as well but never ask for evidence or proof and expect it.

    Well said 👍👍👍 I’m afraid if you don’t agree with “The Earl” you will always be classed as being in the wrong and not supposed to have a different opinion.


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