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sophocles's Profile User Rating: ***--

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8,315 (1.2 per day)
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Spireite Debate (8267 posts)
07-June 05
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User is offline Today, 03:46 AM

My Information

Member Title:
Key Player
77 years old
October 8, 1946
Male Male
Sport, especially football. Theatre, literature, eating, drinking (esp. real ale).

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Topics I've Started

  1. Rochdale Game

    21 February 2024 - 01:49 PM

    I have no doubt whatsoever that we will win the League this season, but I think we really need a convincing win on Saturday to get the team and supporters firing on all cylinders and for the remainder of our games.
    I have been fully supportive of PC and all of our players throughout this amazing season, and I want to see us finish it off in style, because that would give our assault on the L2 promotion places next season a huge positive boost.
    It has to be said that our defending in the last home game v Ebbsfleet was way below the standard we have come to expect this season, and, going on the (poor) highlights, our defensive performance at Bromley was atrocious. Of course, you defend as a whole team, and the blame for poor performances must fall collectively on everybody, but I'd suggest that one or two changes might prevent the unnecessary goals we have conceded in the last two games. I like Williams, but he was unusually slack and indecisive when Ebbsfleet scored their very early goal against us, and he looked very dithery for a couple of the Bromley goals, so I can't help wondering if he still hasn't fully recovered from the injury that kept him out recently. On the Bromley highlights, Sheckleford also appeared to get himself caught out and stranded upfield far too often, though those who were actually at the game might have seen it differently.
    I'm thinking that Saturday might be a good time to put Mandeville in the RB position because, although it does somewhat waste his attacking threat, it does give us more security in that defensive area. I'm also thinking that, if fully fit, Freckleton could replace Williams, as he has looked very solid when played there.
    I'm not wanting us to be too defensive, but after two below-par performances I'd like to see us be really strong at the back, cut out the daft (6) goals we've conceded in the last two games, and build attacks from a more solid base. Anyway, I have no doubt PC will come up with an effective solution to get us flying again.
  2. Nl New Year Games

    30 December 2023 - 02:21 PM

    Just wondering if anyone knows why some NL matches are on today, with the rest on Monday? Not that it matters much, except that if Bromley or Barnet win our lead could be cut. I'm dreading the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the predictable usuals if our lead is reduced to ONLY 4 POINTS (with only 3 games in hand)!!!
  3. N Macedonia V England

    20 November 2023 - 09:23 PM

    Anyone who's ever played football, or watched more than a handful of matches, could not possibly be in any doubt whatsoever that this VAR garbage just has to be binned immediately. It is completely destroying the game, as I've said since it was first introduced by a committee of gibbering idiots. The ref, by the way, is, unbelievably, well below the standard we experience in the NL.



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