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User is offline Yesterday, 08:08 PM

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With the Rainbow People

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 04:43 PM

     Valley Blues, on 05 June 2024 - 09:14 AM, said:

    Quite right, a load of cobblers.

    But worryingly it took Starmer half the debate to actually challenge Sunak on it and stop him from repeatedly hitting him with the ?2k tax increase.

    Didn?t know it was incorrect until prompted? Rabbit in the headlights against his shouty opponent?

    Stuff like this from Starmer is really worrying the non-labour supporters that are looking for a Tory alternative.

    Can you honestly not see that?

    Yes, absolutely I can.

    It's been claimed today SKS was somehow giving Sunak the rope to hang himself, as he did in Parliament with Johnson's 'Partygate' lies. I'm not buying that though, as it would've been far more powerful to produce Bolan's letter to his face.

    That said, and without having watched the debate, I do know Starmer has a PMQ's policy of not being sidetracked by Sunak's increasingly desperate accusations. Perhaps that was his approach last night, I dunno.

    Either way the clips I've seen convince me the Lionesses were by far more entertaining...
  2. In Topic: Jerusalem

    Yesterday, 04:29 PM

    Netanyahu a step closer to a war crimes trial?
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 04:16 PM

     isleaiw1, on 05 June 2024 - 03:53 PM, said:

    Technically he didnt say that, he said the Treasury had produced some numbers (using assumptions given to them by the govt, just like Labour numbers are based on their assumptions) and based on that it could amount to ?2k per person a year... clever use of words, and whilst we all know what he was inferring it doesnt read that he exactly said that.....

    I am of course just presenting a different view - like the people who think the tax recoverable from tax dodgers is only ?3bn and not ?6.5bn....

    In reality, with a black hole of ?12bn up to ?33bn to fill, the claims that he wont be raising any taxes must mean he will be cutting spending... right?

    Are the three little words 'Okay, fair enough' really so beyond you, Ian....?
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 01:47 PM

     isleaiw1, on 05 June 2024 - 12:25 PM, said:

    Hang on, mine is whataboutery even though I quote people who ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ON LABOUR'S SIDE undermining their position...

    I've said all along that this lot were a shambles but anyone who expected different from Johnson was deluded....

    I'm predictable. You accuse the Tories of lying because they make some assumptions to get to a number, but Labour assumptions that underlie their key message (everything is fully costed) are taken as gospel, even though the same sources say they are likely overstated...

    No prejudice, although I think all the election is doing is proving how much rubbish they all talk... for example...


    My tediousness follows your predictability - the more you post suggesting one side is talking crap and the other is being completely straight, the more I will reply saying that is complete tosh...

    Its easy to stop me, just say they are both massaging numbers to suit their aims....

    The lie wasn't about the numbers. As you say, everyone's are open to interpretation. It was, and still is because stooges keep repeating it, that they were collated and signed off by independent treasury officials.

    They weren't, hence the letter stating as much...
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 10:21 AM

     isleaiw1, on 05 June 2024 - 09:54 AM, said:

    Its OK, Raynor will open her gob and help him, see the leader of Unite is saying things like "the Labour leadership's penchant for reneging on promises has been a theme of its time in opposition" (writing in the guardian yesterday I think).... lets be honest, Labour do best when they say nowt. 4 and a bit weeks to go and still no public manifesto says all you need to know about their plan... try and keep a lid on comments and hope someone doesnt mess it up for them....

    Did they also show the applause for the things people agreed with...? Like when he said "if you think Labour will win, start saving"???

    (I have been for the last two years...just in case... and have a plan to reduce my hours to avoid the worst of the tax rises - just in case)

    Martin Lewis also not very positive about Labour's plans and the spending black hole... now the public do listen to him on money matters..!


    You began the topic with a taunt.

    A personal taunt.

    You continued it with many more accompanied by your now pathological whataboutery.

    And now here you are, faced with a lie peddled by both Sunak and today's stooge Coutinho, one underlined by a letter from a high ranking civil servant, yet still absolutely obsessed with making it all about Labour, your anti union tinfoil hattery and the Angie Raynor you smeared even after investigations were dropped.

    Whilst paying barely lip service to a catalogue of government corruption, of course.

    Mate, I like you. I like the way you never need a maad ass tablet after toe-to-toes. But this is just getting tediously predictable.

    Though I guess it once again proves the nearer Labour get to power, the more profound your prejudice become...


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