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hardgums's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 263 Excellent
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1,094 (0.18 per day)
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Spireite Debate (1068 posts)
07-July 07
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User is offline Yesterday, 07:30 PM

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Member Title:
Reserve Team Player
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Male Male

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Topics I've Started

  1. Everyone's Cup Final

    19 April 2024 - 04:29 PM

    Of course, there will be a step up in quality next season, but I think we'll be helped by the fact that we're no longer going to be everyone's cup final when they play us. National League sides have generally upped their game against us and pretty much always parked the bus. We'll no longer be the big fish in a small pond. Hopefully teams won't just set out to frustrate us, and we can enjoy more free-flowing football. And that's a style that suits us down to the ground.
  2. Football Heaven 2 Night

    25 September 2023 - 03:15 PM

    Under normal circumstances, I'd sooner stick knitting needles under my fingernails than listen to Talk Sport wannabees Staton and crew blather on. Tonight, however, will be an exception. Given the outstanding success of the two Sheffield clubs over the weekend, it'll be a whinge fest to end all whinge fests. Tune in; you know you won't be disappointed!
  3. Training Ground

    03 September 2023 - 10:29 AM

    Just seen pictures on the club website of the new training ground. Looks fantastic; I reckon you could play billiards on that surface. Well done to the club and to Ashley Kirk, in particular, who has been instrumental in getting us to a point where we'll have decent training facilities at last. Let's not get too hung up on a leaky defence - we have a club going places both on and off the pitch.
  4. Will York Come Sniffing?

    29 August 2023 - 10:58 AM

    Binned their manager yesterday. I sincerely hope they don't come in for Danny Webb. It was rumoured he was in the frame last time out.
  5. Managing Expectations

    27 August 2023 - 04:18 PM

    I'll hold my hands up. Before a ball was kicked in anger, I had us running away with this league. Decent signings, the pundits' favourites and going toe to toe with the Blunts and Wendies in pre-season friendlies convinced me that all the others would be eating our dust. But hey, how wrong can a chap be? A stuttering display against a weak Oxford side, alarming goals conceded against an even poorer Fylde, an inability to break down Oldham's park-the-bus tactics, and yesterday's second-half capitulation have well and truly managed my expectations. Strangely, I'm not as naffed off as I thought I would be. It's a reset, and my expectations are that we'll yo-yo between the top five spots, culminating in a close finish for the number one slot!