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First Team Player
51 years old
August 16, 1972
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  1. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 03:26 PM

     DIFH, on 03 June 2024 - 12:36 PM, said:

    Final wage of this season is paid this week, agents will be trying to get better deals etc so outgoings make take a couple of months to finalise.

    If last season is anything to go by, Cookie had his full time squad together by the pre season training camp abroad and I reckon he?ll try to do the same this year. It might be slightly different for potential loan players but don?t think we?ll see squad building drag on to the end of the transfer window.
  2. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 11:41 AM

    On the Sky is Blue podcast, they mentioned again that outgoings are expected, which may include players who extended their contracts last season
  3. In Topic: Paul Cooks Crunch Moment

    Yesterday, 06:33 AM

    From his interviews I think the Ipswich experience still bothers him, so if the chance came for him to prove himself at Championship level at a similar sized club, I think that might temp him. He speaks about getting us back to where we should be, which is stable in L1, so if that happens and the right job comes up that might be the time.
  4. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    30 May 2024 - 07:48 AM

     metallilad, on 30 May 2024 - 06:26 AM, said:

    For crying out loud, how many times does it have to be said by the management team that they knew the style of football last season left the defence isolated but went all out to outscore the opponents.
    The tactics people, it was virtually all the tactics why we conceded so many goals. You have got to trust a manager that wins championships.

    True, but it?s also not unreasonable to think the management team have one eye on an upgrade in all of the back 4 positions. They should always be looking to improve the side, and while loyalty is a factor to players who have served us well, we know they all have weaknesses in their game. If the right player comes along at the right time/price we also have to trust the manager on these types of calls as and when they (inevitably) arise.
  5. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    29 May 2024 - 11:06 AM

     Goku, on 29 May 2024 - 10:50 AM, said:

    I highly doubt this particular rumour, but rumours do happen and some are true, you'll have seen numerous examples on this forum alone where people have informed us that a player is signing and they have subsequently signed. Dunno why you find this so hard to comprehend tbh, but I look forward to this same conversation next year! :wacko:

    To be honest, I take these sorts of things in the ?silly season? spirit, but the rumour monger said Grimes himself had told his colleagues this. I strongly suspect it?s rubbish, but thought it was sort of accepted that this thread would contain flights of fancy as well as some more substantial rumours.



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