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isleaiw1's Profile User Rating: -----

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04-March 15
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User is offline Yesterday, 09:08 PM

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Key Player
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Putin..

    Yesterday, 08:04 PM

    View PostMr Mercury, on 11 June 2024 - 07:56 PM, said:

    The far left wing bigots will just bang the drum that theyre just far right wing racist bigots.
    It?s becoming a boring left wing bigoted response. Of course debate is futile, you can?t debate with them.

    The world is tough. When times are tough we turn in and turn our backs on others, when life is better we are more generous and prepared to help...

    In my opinion...
  2. In Topic: Airbus A380

    Yesterday, 05:46 PM

    View PostMr Mercury, on 11 June 2024 - 05:22 PM, said:

    Keeping my eye out for news if the fleets get retired to have a trip on it first.
    Done the 747, Dreamliner, and one of the early 737 max 8 flights when they returned to service after being grounded with the computer glitch that caused two catastrophic crashes.

    I'm still getting over that I never got to do Concorde! Much prefer airbus to Boeing these days - for obvious reasons...
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 05:26 PM

    Has any leader of the opposition ever insulted the current party in power's manifesto by likening it to his own parties from 5 years ago - especially when he was part of the shadow cabinet that came up with it...


    Bounce for the Lib Dems after their manifesto, lets see if the Tories is the same.

    Also saw an article from the IFS today that said the average earner is paying less tax now than at most times in the last 50 years, its companies and high earners that are paying a lot more.... And we know that Labour like the IFS as they were quoting them last week so cant really say its rubbish...
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 05:22 PM

    View Postcalvin plummers socks, on 11 June 2024 - 03:12 PM, said:

    Bit harsh on the Geordie there- technically it is English even though it sounds like a metal wagon wheel over a cobbled street.

    Next you will be saying people shouldnt get a good job as they have a northern accent, bollax to that too, its what you say that matters not how posh you say it...

    When I went off to uni, my Mum said something about not coming back talking all posh. Now she wishes I talked a bit better but that is one thing that definitely wont ever change, northern (well north Midlands) and proud...
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 05:20 PM

    View Postcalvin plummers socks, on 11 June 2024 - 02:56 PM, said:

    So Southerners use correct grammar but Northerners don?t bother?

    I?m just concerned you?re allowed to vote.

    I can use punctuation, I can use long words and management gobbledygook if I have to. On here though I think plain and to the point and frankly I'd rather no punctuation than referring to someone as brov who isnt...

    Live and let live ffs....



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  1. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:10
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
    Andy ...
  2. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:10
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
    Andy ...
  3. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:09
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
  4. Photo


    07 Dec 2021 - 19:33
    Hi. I'm a season ticket holder who unfortunately will be travelling to Gran Canaria on 8th of Jan.
    Happy to get you a ticket for Chelsea if you're struggling. Regards Nigel.
  5. Photo


    02 Jul 2017 - 21:02
    Thanks for the invite - would have loved to have joined you but I am moving house tomorrow so day not in the office or in London!
    Might have joined as the political conversations might have been more up my street than most on the board!
  6. Photo


    02 Jul 2017 - 17:35
    If you live in London, you're welcome to join a couple of Spireites tomorrow (Monday) evening where the main topic of conversation will be Chesterfield FC amongst other things. All very friendly. We'll be in the Williamson Tavern near St Pauls about 7.30. Sorry for the short notice.
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