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With the Rainbow People

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  1. In Topic: The Tory Scum Thread

    Today, 11:57 AM

     Mr Mercury, on 23 June 2024 - 11:01 AM, said:

    This must surely go down as the worst government in history!

    Edited for you, pal.

    But hey, I didn't vote for 'em...
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 08:26 AM

    I almost felt sorry for today's studio stooge James 'not so' Cleverly this morning.

    Well, almost.

    First he had to wriggle and squirm his way around this:

    Which was pretty much impossible as it only echoed, erm, this: https://www.independ...k-b2448446.html

    And things only went downhill from there, as what's become known as 'Gamblegate' entered the conversation: https://www.huffingt...4b0fdfa60648d25

    Oh dear. Simply hiding behind 'I can't comment as there's an investigation' was just desperate. Eye rollingly desperate.

    But hey, he might've cheered himself up laughing at all those who furiously demand Lineker or Neville or Vorderman or The ABoC or any other media figure 'keep their nose out of politics' suddenly cheering JK Rowling's comments...
  3. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Yesterday, 09:35 PM

     Goku, on 22 June 2024 - 02:50 PM, said:

    He?s done a fantastic job at building a good attitude and harmony in the squad, giving it a more club-like feel rather than a bunch of individuals like the old England squads. Unfortunately he is very, very poor tactically. We?ve seen this time and time again when it comes to important crunch matches deep into tournaments but now we?re even seeing it in the tournament group stages against Serbia and Denmark. We do not have a working press, our line of engagement begins when the opposition are 20 yards into our half, it?s absolutely shocking. We had a right back in midfield which he says is an experiment. Said right back has no targets to hit with his admittedly excellent passing range bar Saka. We then bring on Watkins, Eze and Bowen, players who could benefit from Trent?s passing and we take Trent off. We have Rice playing as a strict anchor man like he?s Makelele - he isn?t an anchor man, he is best running forward from midfield like more of an 8 which is what he does for Arsenal. We have Foden on the left who isn?t ever going to stretch play there because he wants to be central, occupying the same space Kane wants to occupy because Kane is a deep-lying forward. We have a right footed left back who has no intention of overlapping - if you?re going to use Foden on the left, you need a left footed full back overlapping.

    It?s absolutely abysmal all round. Denmark had us absolutely sussed tactically. I?ve supported Southgate and thought he deserved one more chance but he is blowing it with his negative tactics and mindset. The Kalvin Phillips quote is an absolute belter. He?s quickly unravelling and saying stupid sh** in interviews when previously he?s been very logical and measured. We?ll probably nick a win on Tuesday and go out to first half decent team we play.

  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 09:29 PM

     Wooden Spoon, on 22 June 2024 - 07:36 PM, said:

    Labour?s problem is differentiating between not supporting Israel and their actions and anti Israel doctrine

    If you have a significant Muslim membership that?s a fine tightrope you have to walk

    Corbyn couldn?t or probably wouldn?t walk that tightrope and choose to lay breaths on the ground for the black September terrorist dead

    I don't know if Corbyn's an anti Semite or just associated with too many for too long to know the difference.

    But I do know too many party members either quit or reported anti Semitism for it all to be blamed on Mail-esque media smears.

    However Starmer's made huge strides in ridding Labour of that label. To the point the Luciana Berger needing security at a recent conference (wtf?!) is now comfortable rejoining.

    In fact his position is strong enough to accept significant numbers of resignations without changing the official line on the Gazan war.

    I don't necessarily agree with it being just a Muslim issue, either. Many non Muslim members have been expelled for expressing inappropriate language. Though obviously everything surrounding Israel will, quite legitimately, be like an open sore.

    Simple truth is Labour firmly occupy the centre ground of UK politics, now. Whatever problems persist pale into insignificance compared to a Tory party descending into civil war. Which will inevitably incorporate Farage's vanity vehicle populated by a plethora of far right loons making Braverman look 'woak'.

    Also consider this; SKS has ensured the hundreds of Labour MP's being elected in July will be of a sufficient calibre to underpin the progress made. No collection of Andersons or Gullis's hanging on the back of Johnson's inevitably exposed shirt flaps. Intelligent and qualified individuals in a moderate New Labour mould.

    We've endured year after year of chaos. Sleaze and scandal. Shameless and self serving corruption. I believe the UK electorate are ready for a term or two of boring stability...
  5. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 07:42 PM

     Mr Mercury, on 22 June 2024 - 04:44 PM, said:

    Excellent analogy re the cricket, test match tactics in a T20 era! wish I?d posted that myself.

    You will pal, you will*...

    But anyway, Belgium v Romania another terrific game. Pace, energy, end-to-end. Outfits playing to win instead of not to lose.

    We all know where this is going...

    *© Oscar Wilde...


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