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  1. In Topic: The Tory Scum Thread

    Today, 10:01 AM

    View PostThe Earl of Chesterfield, on 21 June 2024 - 07:39 AM, said:

    Well said.

    You've have thought The Liar's' exit would've been a line drawn, as Sunak suggested on the steps of Downing Street.

    However the entitled idea they're somehow above the rules and regulations applied to us plebs obviously persists.

    I genuinely don't understand how those still prepared to support them reconcile doing so...

    I'm not supporting them before you start, but should we throw the baby out with the bathwater and disown all because of the actions of a few...?


    There are bad apples in every box, it just seems to be that power attracts more than its fair share!
  2. In Topic: The Tory Scum Thread

    Yesterday, 12:52 PM

    View PostValley Blues, on 20 June 2024 - 12:09 PM, said:

    The Tory director of campaigning and his missus now being looked into for betting on the election date.

    He?s taken a leave of absence.

    They don?t seem to be able to help themselves these lot.

    The upcoming election and Labours landslide victory is probably going to boil down to morals as opposed to policies.

    if its based on morals they wont get 55 seats...
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 07:58 AM

    View Postfishini, on 20 June 2024 - 04:11 AM, said:

    The Tories had an 80 seat majority and could do what they want. So your point is what exactly?

    As I have said countless times, to get a good government, you need a good opposition. Lets hope the Lib Dems can offer it!

    View PostWooden Spoon, on 20 June 2024 - 02:17 AM, said:

    Regardless of all that, the tories ran out of ideas and stopped governing a while ago.

    Absolutely true. Lets hope the Labour govt doesnt just copy the Blair govts ideas as that didnt end well for the country. Already signs of PFI coming back - one of the main issues for the NHS and other departments!
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    19 June 2024 - 09:42 PM

    Quiet day considering its an election campaign. Is it that inflation is down to 2%.. or is that the latest poll suggests the Tories will have 55 seats and Lib Dems 50 in the new parliament so Labour can do as they want, who cares what the definition of a working man is or what the long term prognosis is in regards to the long term prospects...

    I watched ITV news at 10 and heard an economist sum it up perfectly - there is nothing in any manifesto to deal with the challenges we face... but hey, we can moan about that in 5 years, and blame how bad it was when the Labour govt took over (I also read an article this week that said that the next year will be good whatever SKS does as everything is in place with a delayed reaction..)
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    19 June 2024 - 08:29 AM

    View PostHistoricWarwick, on 19 June 2024 - 08:13 AM, said:

    Assuming the inevitable - what does the the new cabinet look like? Hopefully there is some experienced MP heads in there to counter balance the Streetings of this world.

    he is the one that seems to say the most sensible things. Does experiences just mean they know how to play politics and say nothing and achieve nothing?



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  1. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:10
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
    Andy ...
  2. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:10
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
    Andy ...
  3. Photo


    05 Jul 2023 - 20:09
    Sorry to bother you. I believe you worked for a hotel chain in London and previously had access to discount codes.
    It’s a bit of a long shot and very last minute. But could you let me know if this is still the case.
    I only ask as my part is due to go to London on Friday and the hotel she was booked into has canceled last minute.
  4. Photo


    07 Dec 2021 - 19:33
    Hi. I'm a season ticket holder who unfortunately will be travelling to Gran Canaria on 8th of Jan.
    Happy to get you a ticket for Chelsea if you're struggling. Regards Nigel.
  5. Photo


    02 Jul 2017 - 21:02
    Thanks for the invite - would have loved to have joined you but I am moving house tomorrow so day not in the office or in London!
    Might have joined as the political conversations might have been more up my street than most on the board!
  6. Photo


    02 Jul 2017 - 17:35
    If you live in London, you're welcome to join a couple of Spireites tomorrow (Monday) evening where the main topic of conversation will be Chesterfield FC amongst other things. All very friendly. We'll be in the Williamson Tavern near St Pauls about 7.30. Sorry for the short notice.
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