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The Earl of Chesterfield's Profile User Rating: **---

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User is offline Today, 08:00 PM

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Age Unknown
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With the Rainbow People

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 08:11 PM

    Remembering our friend 'Mr M' voted for Blair three times, then Brown and Miliband and Corbyn.

    And now defends the Netanyahu cited for war crimes by the UN.

    But hey, the bloke who partied whilst cramming vulnerable pensioners into infected care homes, squandered billions on useless T&T schemes, chucked multi millions at mates for equally useless contracts before being kicked out of office by his own party when they got sick of lying on his behalf is still his hero...
  2. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Today, 09:19 AM

    Impressed by Espana.

    Their movement and two touch football a level above anything else seen so far...
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 09:03 AM

    After my initial giggling at Nadine Dorries' face on my teevee, I was left genuinely laughing at her repeat 'I love Boris' routine.

    At which point I turned over to see Nadim 'five million tax dodge' Zahawi re-writing reality in the Liar's favour himself.

    So my suspicious and cynical mind wonders - a return for the most corrupt politician of modern times claiming 'I'm the only one who can save the Tories from Farage', perhaps....?
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 08:33 AM

     Wooden Spoon, on 15 June 2024 - 08:36 PM, said:

    Like Skinner, Crow and Benn.

    Anti Euro xenophobic Tory Scammers.

    You're better than such victimhood, Rob.

    You, like those named (not to mention a certain Jezza Corbs, of course) offered legitimate and measurable reasons to leave. Ones not revolving around perverted patriotism or a race to the bottom in terms of workers', consumer or environmental protections.

    Folk still championing those that did, or saying Johnson's 'oven ready deal' isn't the economy hammering failure it's turned out (yeah, who cudda predicted a pathological liar and buffoon would deliver that. Oh, wait...), must explain why for themselves.

    Or not, perhaps.

    But my current point is about the 'Reform' manifesto. I repeat: how many of those saying they'll vote that way are across their health policy? Their plans to introduce private insurance? The impact of their environmental policy? Allowing those making billions from fossil fuels - or flushing raw sewage into our waters - greater freedoms to do so? Their impact on schools or public services or workers rights...or...or...

    Or is it all about immigration. Countless voters who've never met or been effected by an asylum seeker convinced by Farage's racist rhetoric.

    This thread offers a golden opportunity to discuss that question...
  5. In Topic: Putin..

    Today, 07:58 AM

     dim view, on 16 June 2024 - 07:46 AM, said:

    That insight might, or might not, be provided by watching Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin on Youtube. I haven't done so yet but will be doing whilst on me hols. It's a lengthy interview but I'd be interested in discussing it with anybody of like mind when I get back.

    The background is that I met a very astute 25 year old Russian - Latvian - UK business owner last week who has family in Moscow, and who recommended watching in reply to my questions about Putin the Person.

    Mate - seriously?

    A completely discredited Carlson offering an evil dictator airtime?

    Freedom of speech and seeing all sides is one thing, but what could Putin possibly say to in any way mitigate his murder....?


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