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spireitetoo's Profile User Rating: *----

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31-December 08
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User is offline Today, 05:32 PM

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the end of my tether

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 12:52 PM

    Just read the Reform UK flier that's shoved through the door today, makes interesting reading like boosting the farming budget to 3 billion, raising tax thresholds, cutting taxes left right and centre, I'm sure there will be many looking at that and thinking sounds great, I'm also sure there's plenty more like me, wondering just how they plan to fund all the promises they are making, cos even I as a not politically minded person can see they are basically talking out of their rear end..

    I certainly won't be voting for them..

    Also is their candidate actually local? Cos the address to contact him is in London.. so most likely he's never even been to this part of Derbyshire before??
  2. In Topic: Artificial Weather

    Yesterday, 01:44 PM

     PontePete, on 08 June 2024 - 12:52 PM, said:

    I have my thermostat set at 18 same as I do all year round, and it has been coming on now and then recently. It is extremely cold for this time of year both at night and during the day.

    If you think otherwise Ian, then I?m sorry but I think you need your head testing.

    And set to get even colder next week, spring has not left us yet, and also when (if) it does finally warm up, the 1st person to tell me it's too hot is getting a slap, I work outside now, and sick and tired of freezing my bits off
  3. In Topic: England Squad.

    Yesterday, 12:35 PM

     Walton Spireite, on 08 June 2024 - 11:54 AM, said:

    I am not sure we will get out of the group after last nights showing. I think Denmark will beat us for starters. I can see the wheels falling off big-time unfortunately. Defence is awful.

  4. In Topic: England Squad.

    Yesterday, 09:44 AM

     hilly81, on 08 June 2024 - 09:15 AM, said:

    I don?t see many moaning much about the players he has picked to be fair. People are moaning/worried about how much he turns these fantastic players into lethargic, dull strangers on the pitch. I disagree that these friendly games going into major tournaments are irrelevant. They should be there to build confidence, get some patterns of play going and score some goals against absolute pub sides. That performance last night was absolutely pathetic and has left a lot more questions than answers.

    Hopefully Bellingham is fit (he looked off the pace in the CL final) as without him, we are limp at best.

    Like I said, we've played teams for the last 6 yrs that park the bus, sometimes you break them down, sometimes you don't, it seems Iceland are to England what maidenhead were to us,.. there was glimpses in there last night, of what some are capable of, it wasn't all bad, Gordon running at defences will terrify them, eze is capable of the same, palmer is quality on the ball, as is foden when he's in the mood, throw Bellingham in there too, I'm sure we'll approach each game differently at the euros, I'm not gunna start slashing my wrists after that result, we are still the team to beat..
  5. In Topic: D Day

    Yesterday, 08:22 AM

     calvin plummers socks, on 07 June 2024 - 09:59 AM, said:

    List of priorities? To put a suit on?
    He shops in Harrods with his missus every 8 weeks - I?m sure he could have put a whistle on

    Brilliant mate, still reeling them in...
    Proper net full this time..

    Hats off to you...



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