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07-June 05
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User is offline Today, 04:54 PM

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 05:15 PM

    He wasn?t channel 4 fact checked see link

  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 04:58 PM

     Johnnyspireite7, on 15 June 2024 - 10:47 AM, said:

    And, IF there are any moderate Tories left, if he did they'll cross over to Labour or Lib Dem in protest as they don't like the ex-BNP member! Someone's found pictures from the 1970's of him out on the campaign trail for them.

    Farage was ex BNP? I didn?t know that
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 10:28 AM

     The Earl of Chesterfield, on 15 June 2024 - 08:04 AM, said:

    Fair enough call.

    And I'd add dismissing Farage and his followers as "clowns" is dismissing the genuine threat they pose.

    Like his earlier vanity vehicles 'Reform' is a single issue party - immigration.

    Now okay, many people are motivated by that; but I wonder how many really appreciate what their health policies would mean? A return to treatment depending on what folk can afford? I wonder how many appreciate what their tax policies would mean? Making the 'Kwar crash' budget look Stalinist by comparison? I wonder how many appreciate what their environmental policies would mean? A virtual free for all for the fossil fuel industry?

    Same applies to education, public services and pretty much every other aspect of their manifesto.

    Farage is an experienced campaigner. We've been witnessing his 'avoid-questions-by-discrediting-the-questioner' routine for years. His endless 'infamy, infamy, they've all got it infamy' conspiracy theorising. His attempts to normalise bigotry by claiming it's merely 'what the man in the pub is saying'.

    However an individual with well documented links to dangerously right wing organisations and bleats about left wing violence whilst waving away the attempted Jan sixth terrorist coup as irrelevant is, in reality, a far more sinister version of Boris the Liar.

    I'm struggling to see any "good" in his party. Whilst "clownish" doesn't come close to describing those who'd vote for it "regardless" of candidates from whom even Farage distances himself and the impact it'd have on their every day lives...

    I don?t think he will, but IF Farage did win his seat I can see him at some point crossing over to the tories and leading them
  4. In Topic: Ground Improvements

    Today, 10:11 AM

    The yellow stain have announced they aren?t develop the bishop street stand. Over on stage net there?s euphoria and talk of establishing themselves in the championship
  5. In Topic: Euros Thread

    Yesterday, 11:09 PM

     calvin plummers socks, on 14 June 2024 - 10:07 PM, said:

    It was a low point

    Your a strange man CPS

    Losing to Chelsea 5-1 as a non league club isn?t a low point - being a non league club was the low point


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