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First Team Player
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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 07:19 PM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 18 June 2024 - 07:02 PM, said:

    My inlaws had 6 kids, he worked at the pit, she was a dinner lady, but they were very careful with money, mortgage paid off by 40, never borrowed, and always had a bit put by for an emergency. Never has there been a better definition of a labour supporting working bloke... except to Starmer it seems... You dont need to be in the top x percentile to have a few quid saved, its what everyone should do...

    Indeed and they should be encouraged, not penalised for it.
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 06:35 PM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 18 June 2024 - 04:27 PM, said:

    Nice to know I'm not a working person according to Sir Kier... who defined it thus:

    The Labour leader said he would define working people as those who have a job, rely on public services and do not have meaningful savings. His remarks indicate that while he has ruled out raising income tax, national insurance or VAT, hikes to other levies could be on the table.

    What does rely on public services mean? I have my bins emptied, rely on trains, use my GP and A&E as needed....

    But as I am old, I have a few quid saved, not as much as him no doubt but being a good accountant the suggested few months worth of required expenses...

    Clearly I'm in the group that its OK to raise taxes for - but he is trying not to say it. Anyone else reckon they arent a working person too?

    You know as well as I do that despite all the bluster, no political party will target those who fall in the top or bottom percentiles so as not to risk the likely fallout. Much in the same way that they don't have the appetite to tackle education, healthcare, crime and punishment, immigration, unemployment, etc.

    Those who work, contribute and manage to save are sitting ducks for any political party.
  3. In Topic: I Keep Forgetting

    10 June 2024 - 06:43 PM

     Bald magician, on 10 June 2024 - 10:07 AM, said:

    I don't think that's pessimistic. I'm happy with a play off spot but that top 3 slot looks tastier each signing we make.

    I think the key thing is not to have unrealistic expectations. I fear with 5200 season ticket holders we may have some early dummies spill out if it doesn't quite go out way.

    A lense of realism and patience from fans will no doubt help the team and cookie.

    I've said it before and I make no apologies for saying it again, but the club's biggest task next season is managing supporter expectation, not an easy task when you consider some of the comments to come from the boardroom!

    Too many people are fickle/entitled and can go 100mph in one direction or the other without too much trouble. We can witness that in 45 minutes of football never mind throughout a season. You look at Wrexham's season last year and they didn't have it all their own way despite achieving promotion. Coincidentally, a lot of the lazy criticism aimed at Parkinson was identical to what Cookie came in for last season, a lack of flexibility and the rigid 70th minute substitutions!

    Our fanbase should heed the advice which Paul Cook gave at the civic reception, we will not always have it this good and it's important that we all stick together.

    We need to remember just how far we've come during the last two years, recognise that we all play a part, not get carried away (which some clearly are) and hopefully we can enjoy another decent season of progression.
  4. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    06 June 2024 - 08:33 PM

     The Earl of Chesterfield, on 06 June 2024 - 04:24 PM, said:

    For crying out loud - hardly got his ass through the Sheff Road door and folk're already wondering how we'll get rid?!

    We've signed a proven goalscorer; we've signed a lively young midfielder; we've signed a left back playing in L1 for the last two seasons and now we've signed another L1 outfit's captain.

    The squad continues evolving for the better - let's celebrate that fact and look forward...

    Well said.

    For the second summer (what summer?) running, our recruitment appears to be fully committed to delivering marginal gains across the starting 11. I'm looking forward to seeing what the starting 11 will look like come August and what the new signings will bring to the squad.
  5. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    06 June 2024 - 08:23 PM

     Goku, on 06 June 2024 - 02:31 PM, said:

    Three year deal

    *sucking in air through teeth sound*

    Really happy with the signing... but would've preferred 2 years, assume he would only sign if we offered 3...

    The overall cost of three years versus two may well be negligible. Given the stability that we've seen since Cook came back, it's hardly like we're a month away from appointing a new manager who will want to carve things up and in the process deem players on long term deals surplus to requirements just because they wore the wrong socks to training.