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Osborne again's Profile User Rating: -----

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Spireite Debate (1454 posts)
24-July 23
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User is offline Today, 04:16 AM

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Reserve Team Player
Age Unknown
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Male Male

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  1. In Topic: Is Our Transfer Business Done Now?

    Today, 04:36 AM

    My official man in the know, has gone very dumb all of a sudden on all things transfer orientated. This isn't a bad thing, because he's been wrong on all points. I asked him about us signing Freckleton, but he's either turned himself into a fly, so he can get more information or he's embarrassed by the things he's told me as being the gospel truth, which turned out to be less than accurate. He should be a football correspondent for The Sun, they'd love him.
    Anyway, I think we've missed the boat on the Freckleton front, but I believe Paul Cook will have others to look at from now until the transfer window shuts.
  2. In Topic: Is Our Transfer Business Done Now?

    Yesterday, 06:32 PM

    I'm sure that we'll have cover for Grimes before the transfer window slams shut, as I think, it's the only position we haven't got a stand in for. It may be that we'll bring in a youngster on loan or similar who's been released by a championship or premier League club. We're going to need one or two under 21 year olds to make the squad fill out a bit and hopefully sell on at a profit.
    Have we got any of our own at the club who could step up ?
  3. In Topic: Martin Smith

    Yesterday, 04:16 PM

     metallilad, on 11 June 2024 - 07:33 AM, said:

    Was in hospital after having a hernia operation and had a serious fall resulting in a fractured skull aswell as a bleed on the brain.
    All is ok now though and is at home recovering.

    Wow, poor sod, I hope he's back to his best very soon.
  4. In Topic: Is Our Transfer Business Done Now?

    Yesterday, 04:13 PM

     StaffsSpireite, on 11 June 2024 - 01:04 PM, said:

    To be honest im not that bothered bout Clucus if it means getting rid of a couple players at least to accomodate his high wages and not really sure where he would fit in with the abundance of talent we have in similar areas.

    I don't think Clucas plays that far forward these days and I think he's retreated to the centre of the pitch, I think he's done a Mike Jones and gone from winger to centre mid or a holding midfielder, well that's what I've been told.
  5. In Topic: Alan Hansen

    Yesterday, 04:01 PM

     Alice Cooper, on 11 June 2024 - 08:47 AM, said:

    Jim Brown.
    A true hero in every sense of the word. What a goalkeeper and what a human being.
    As for centre back pairings purely from a town point of view what about John Ridley and Bill Green?
    Absolutely loved watching those two together.

    You're right AC, they were probably the best centre back pairing we've had at town, and you're spot on with your views on Jim Brown mate. There wouldn't be a club to support if it wasn't for him. He should have something named after him, at both Sheffield Road and Bramall Lane.



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