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Super Saiyan and saviour of the universe
30 years old
June 8, 1993
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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 10:07 AM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 28 May 2024 - 09:58 AM, said:

    You'll be surprised to learn that at 16 I thought I knew the answer to everything, by 25 I realised I didnt know much and by 55 I realised that I knew alot more than 16 but still not much in the scheme of things...we dont trust them to drive a car or buy property or have credit, but they can choose the next govt...

    Maybe volunteering will get them the interest in the world around them that could otherwise come from being given the vote?

    Well if they can start an application to join the army at 15 years 7 months old I don't see why not. They are trusted to work and pay tax if they work in a job which pays them enough. Your points are easily countered by other equally valid ones, it just depends on which side of the fence you come down on.

    It's not volunteering if you're being forced to do it under threat of punishment... maybe people being forced to carry out National Service would take issue with that and start to detest their country for making them do something they don't want to? Not that it'll happen anyway lol, pie in the sky.
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 09:41 AM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 28 May 2024 - 09:11 AM, said:

    PS giving the vote to 16 year olds isnt a desperate attempt to get youngsters to vote for Labour then...? Its politics - try and win over those most likely to be won over.... and of course pensioners get nothing from the NI changes that ave benefitted workers so just giving them a bit back too...

    I wouldn't call it a desperate attempt. Plenty of 16 year olds won't have a clue about politics, but then again plenty of adults don't either. Some of the people I see posting on Facebook, on other social media, out and about etc. there's nothing to suggest they know anything about politics either. It could encourage a plethora of young 'uns to become more engaged with politics, I've just found this random site saying it did exactly that in Scotland:


    The legal voting age for Nicaragua, Scotland, Isle of Man, Guernsey, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Cuba, Brazil, and Austria is 16 years. However, this age has been criticized by most people due to the fact that youths of this age have not yet gotten into the world of employment, tax remission, and home ownership. Many election decisions are believed to revolve around these three issues. As such it is assumed that those at the age of 16 are not able to vote knowledgeably based on the leaders? policies. However, other critics have observed low voter turn out for persons aged 18 and above due to the apparent lack of interest in politics. As such they suggest that youths of age 16 are able to turn up for elections in large numbers. During the independent referendum in Scotland in 2014, the inclusion of the youths aged 16 and 17 produced positive results. Most of them who felt inadequate to vote resolved to actively seeking information that enabled them to make informed decisions on the voting day. This informed the decision of Scotland to lower its legal voting age to 16 from 18. However, Austria was the first European nation to lower its voting age in 2011.

    You can work from 16, you can continue your studies etc. these are things which politics impact, I dunno if I'm for or against it, there's valid pros and cons. But yes I've no doubt Labour are proposing that because they know young 'uns are likely to vote for them than the Tories.
  3. In Topic: Nhs

    Today, 06:55 AM

     Search & Destroy, on 28 May 2024 - 06:45 AM, said:

    Stuff like this ?70-?100k a year for 37 hours

    Do you ever think that you might be hyper focussed, borderline obsessed on one particular issue?
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 06:31 AM

     isleaiw1, on 27 May 2024 - 08:30 PM, said:

    No comment on the Labour policies Chris.... oh, no, they dont talk about those!

    Labour are in play it safe mode, knowing they?ll comfortably win due to how shocking the Tories have been. They see announcing policy and plans as something which could potentially damage their chances. It?s an awful state of affairs. Forgot her name but the Labour lass on QT the other night was abysmal. They?ve got the Great British Energy thing and that?s about it. To some, this is a good thing as it increases their chances of gaining power, to others (myself included) it?s crap and provides no hope on them doing anything radical or life-changing for the people of this county. I fully accept they have a plethora of sh**e to sort out as the Tories have ran this country into the ground over the last 14 years, but surely there still needs to be some form of hope or positivity that isn?t just ?we?re not the tories?.

    However, speaking of the Tories, I see they?ve announced a ?Triple Lock Plus? allowance for pensioners which would cost ?2.4 billion to go alongside the ?2.5 billion for national service. The money would be obtained from ?clamping down on tax avoidance?. Makes you wonder why they haven?t decided to get this ?5 billion from clamping down on tax avoidance before, or why they wrote off all that fraudulently-claimed covid money. Pathetic bunch of morons, it?s genuinely sad to watch them desperately flail about chucking moron policy suggestion after moron policy suggestion out there in an attempt to get boomers to vote for them.
  5. In Topic: Jerusalem

    Yesterday, 08:44 PM

    Israel with another oopsie Daisy. They must be incredibly incompetent.


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