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User is offline Jun 08 2024 10:11 PM

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  1. In Topic: Artificial Weather

    08 June 2024 - 10:20 PM

     isleaiw1, on 08 June 2024 - 10:06 PM, said:

    But there is an argument there that it could be a reason, he even said so. But because it doesnt suit your story, you ignore it. A bit like data on climate change, I dont like it so I wont believe it.

    Anyway, we wont agree, so I'll try to do my bit because its no skin off my nose and I hope it helps my grandkids. As always we can all make our own choices using what info we want and our own attitude to the reliability of data.

    A bit like Covid, no idea if your 99% survive figure is right - but of course if it is and you were infected and infected 10 people and they each infected 10 people, that is one dead. And that is only secondary transmission. By the time you look at 4 or 5 times the transfer, you have a fair few dead, and given it could have been my mum, relatives, friends or parents of friends, I'm happy to do the best to stop it. as seemingly was the rest of the world - who dont like each other so certainly wouldnt have agreed this stuff otherwise!

    But each to their own.... you do you, I'll do me, Misnomer will do angry, cps will do fishing, blue roan will be shy watching...

    Roll on the Euros we there is some meaning to life!

    And all those same risks were always there with seasonal flu, the vulnerable were always at risk, but we never shut the country down
    and bankrupted it for that did we?

    And as far our kids and grandkids, well their tax bills will be reflecting the Covid bollux for years to come, let?s hope your record May temps continue for a long time to come, cos let?s face it they probably won?t be able to afford to put the heating on.

    Never mind though it was all worth it cos Dave got to spend the summer of 2020 in his garden with his shirt off supping tinnies instead of going to work, and got paid 80% of his wage for doing so. What?s not to like about that?

    Probably fu**ed your pension up as well 😉
  2. In Topic: Artificial Weather

    08 June 2024 - 09:39 PM

     isleaiw1, on 08 June 2024 - 09:14 PM, said:

    Or was it that he got political and stood against Major?

    Attenborough is pretty well thought of and he is a big believer in climate change being a human thing...

    I?m not sure standing against Major who ultimately got his arse kicked in 97 would have made him persona non grata, in fact quite the opposite I?d have thought.

    Attenborough toes the narrative line, he?ll always be championed.
  3. In Topic: Artificial Weather

    08 June 2024 - 09:03 PM

     Misnomer, on 08 June 2024 - 08:54 PM, said:

    Ok...for starters, why did the so-called experts change it from global warming to climate change; quite simple, they were unable to sustain the narrative and justify it.

    The 'science' is ridiculously ambiguous. What's the methodology for the data extrapolations? What is the data? Where is the data taken? Is the methodology consistent with other methodologies previously utilised in EXACTLY the same way...if not, that gives us skewed data. What's the modelling?

    There's just no transparency with the data.

    Now, folks can believe what they want but, as with the COVID data, we've seen how government funded organisations (like the BBC, the Met Office is also one) can present data.

    As with COVID; any professional who dares to offer an alternative view, is immediately shut down, their professionalism and intelligence insulted, and labelled a climate change denier. A predictable diatribe to discredit people with years of experience.

    Personally, I see it as nothing but pure catastrophising, in order to drive a narrative and an agenda.

    I?ve said it on here before, but David Bellamy is a classic example. Everyone?s favourite botanist and a very popular TV Presenter we all
    grew up with. He called out the climate bollux for what it is, and was cancelled and virtually never seen on tv again.
  4. In Topic: Artificial Weather

    08 June 2024 - 08:46 PM

     Misnomer, on 08 June 2024 - 08:37 PM, said:

    I live in the south east and watered my garden at around 19.00...i put my coat on, because it was f'in freezing!

    Ftr we had our heating on several times in May.

    Ian?s just sticking with the global warming bo**ocks as it eases the pain that he feels because he brought an electric car to save the world and the residual value is through the floor on it. No one wants one cos they?re a crock of sh*t!
  5. In Topic: Artificial Weather

    08 June 2024 - 08:01 PM

     Blue roan lily, on 08 June 2024 - 07:31 PM, said:

    You never know Pete
    He might have the fire on

    Bet he?s got his patio heater on at least 😂



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