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The Earl of Chesterfield's Profile User Rating: **---

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24-February 08
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User is offline Today, 10:50 AM

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Age Unknown
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Male Male
With the Rainbow People

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 09:21 AM

     Goku, on 07 June 2024 - 08:54 AM, said:

    That milkshake could?ve been acid in the same way that my aunt having b0llox could?ve made her my uncle.

    (Inb4 unfunny trans joke)

    Here's how this works.

    The same characters who get their trunks into all kindsa tribulations over nineteen seventies standard comedians being supposedly sidelined, go absolutely snowflake when Jo Brand makes an obvious joke on a comedy show.

    Y'know, the same characters who've levelled all sortsa accusations of treachery at leftist politicians, but still champion a Boris Johnson who had secret meetings with a 'former' KGB agent and did his level best to bury the report into Russian interference.

    Let's see what those 'patriots' have to say about Rishi 'national service' Sunak snubbing D Day services...
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 07:21 AM

     Valley Blues, on 06 June 2024 - 10:02 PM, said:

    Seems Sunak left the D-Day commemorative ceremony early to attend an interview with ITV, which his team had arranged, to try and clear his name as a liar.

    Oh dear.

    Even a staunch Labour supporter like me would've understood if a serious issue had arisen.

    But to snub an opportunity to tread the world stage? Scuttling back for an interview which could've been done anytime? And all because he'd dug himself into a hole?

    Blindingly stupid politics.

    All made worse by his poorly worded apology.

    This the bloke wanting to make youngsters do national service, too...
  3. In Topic: And The Manager Merrigoround Starts Again

    Yesterday, 05:34 PM

    The day we see Morecambe FC as anything but an irrelevance is the day we should all chuck ourselves in the Rother naked...
  4. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Yesterday, 05:32 PM

     Norton Blue, on 06 June 2024 - 05:27 PM, said:

    Happy with this signing, a good upgrade on what we have. Just a right back and another CH to go, along with a keeper and i really fancy our chance for promotion again.

    Not sure about a right back.

    Think he'll give Sheckleford with Mands as back up a go to start with...
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 04:45 PM

    Chucking milkshake at Farage was wrong.

    It should've been questions expoising his prejudices and hypocrisies and egotistical opportunism.

    However it seems racism and calling for an MP to be "shot" is perfectly acceptable...


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