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User is offline Jun 16 2024 10:09 PM

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    16 June 2024 - 10:21 PM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 16 June 2024 - 01:43 PM, said:

    I am a school trustee, their biggest problem is teachers taking early retirement, there is a solution to that..

    The other problem is they spend too little time teaching and too much dealing with issues of the day - rewriting curriculums to not promote racism or the white view, deciding how to deal with the transgender issue, dealing with the ever increasing number of SEND students.

    Ps allowing leave without reimbursement is madness, and would never be sanctioned in the private sector... I had to repay my training costs if I left too soon after taking exams...

    Where to start? Tell us please what a school trustee is. How that school is funded and administered. How teachers are given frequent time to rewrite curriculums. How they are encouraged, in lesson time, to ?not promote racism or the white view?. Madness? I, as an owner of a business, have paid for accountancy exams and accepted said trained accountants leaving. You are a bluffer. You are a paid junior employee. Stop hiding behind the ?private sector?.
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    07 June 2024 - 10:04 PM

    View PostMr Mercury, on 07 June 2024 - 09:17 PM, said:

    You?re missing the point along with all the other loony/hard left wingers on here.
    A milk shake becomes a punch, a punch becomes a flurry of punches, a flurry of punches becomes a knife, a knife equals murder.
    Any attack on any politician going about their democratic business is wrong, so many on here can?t accept that and make light of it because it?s on Farage.

    A good point. However Farage is a ?democratic? politician who uses hatred to gain support. In a democratic society that leads to opposition. You most certainly are not a Nazi but your views are pretty much aligned to the majority of Germans who supported Hitler in 1933. My last assertion is based on polls. So pardon the views of ?loony/hard left wingers? but some of us see you as the problem. You follow Farage. You have seen what he did at Dulwich College. He supported the Nazis. That is his democratic view. You hanker after him. That is your right but I?d avoid trumpeting D Day. An old 60?s saying ?;Which side are you on Mr Mercury??
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    27 May 2024 - 12:19 AM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 26 May 2024 - 12:20 PM, said:

    Interesting responses. Some very well thought of countries have some form of national service - often for a short period. Yet next to none give the vote to 17=6 year olds, but in true style the board manages to criticise the one that has some foundation elsewhere but not the one that seems to be "young kids will be left, let them vote"

    As I skim read it was national service or voluntary service for the community... great, it might teach some of the youth and youthess of today to think of others and it might pass upwards to their parents who clearly brought them up to be like that....

    Vote at 16, do me a favour. You cant get married, you cant have legal title to a property, you cant drive... but you can tie the country down to a govt. Will we start having "free Nike trainers for every 16 year old when we get in" as part of the manifesto. My daughter got to vote on the day after her 18th birthday, that was bad enough, she didnt have a clue and didnt really care...

    Maybe your daughter didn?t have a clue cos of you? Talking gibberish politically. My kids had a clue at 18 and one certainly didn?t vote like me. ?Nike trainers? ? That is the most embarrassing post you have made on so many levels. It is also the funniest. How old are you?
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    27 May 2024 - 12:08 AM

    View Postisleaiw1, on 25 May 2024 - 08:57 AM, said:

    The Lib Dems arent going to win and nor are Reform so I'm less bothered by their policies and ideas currently, the same can probably be said of the Tories. I am bothered about Labour as they are likely to be the biggest party and so far are saying vote for us for change but everything to do with finances will be the same and stable.... so I'm confused...

    No anti Labour prejudice, they are the party I have voted more for in my life than any other. But if they are going to win I want them to be chosen for what they will do not ABC (anyone but conservative, thanks s42!)

    so what I want to know is how will they solve the NHS, how will they appoint all these new teachers, where will the wonderful new border force come from that will be so different from the existing one - and how will they pay for it all given the country has the highest tax take ever and we are pretty broke...

    And yes pensions are relevant because the govt is paying for them for a select few - and we cant afford it... and yet we are going to appoint loads more people to jobs that get them....but we arent going to bankrupt the country...

    Comments on the others? Reform are just bigots, I dont even listen to what Farage says. Have the Lib Dems started campaigning yet, Davey is useless and will never make inroads as he has no personality. I'd rather Daisy Cooper was given the limelight.... As for Reece Mogg, hopefully he loses and then we dont have to hear him slagging off his own because he didnt get his own way.

    As for the Tories being in this mess because they got rid of Boris, they are in this mess because they ever appointed him. Lazy, untrustworthy, soundbite leadership with no consideration for the wider impact of what he was doing. Sunak was on a hiding to nothing as Truss showed. It will do them good to watch from the side for a bit whilst they get their principles and ideas back. Labour have had 14 years to do that and yet all I see is "you can trust us, we will do popular things, but we wont be financially irresponsible but we cant tell you where the money will come from. The one number I have heard - from VAT on private schools - is pie in the sky because if the schools pass on the fee increase then there will be a rush to state schools - numbers starting private school already down as a result of the risk. I'd say that will be unlikely to raise any noticeable money... so black hole number 1....

    As for my vote, almost certainly tactical. We have a Tory MP who has been in seat for years, a very active Labour candidate (who does a lot of talking to train companies it seems, very important down here), and I havent heard from anyone else yet... so will see what the options are on the day. Its great having freedom of choice, listening to what they say, challenging what they dont.... as someone earlier said, the days of voting for a party because my grandad did are over for most...

    You are Mr Objective apparently? So you only have one choice according to the candidates you have in front of you. . You decide on the day? Your freedom of choice has been somewhat curtailed. Unless you are not Mr Objective. ?Freedom of choice?? Give over. You will vote anything but Labour.
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    23 May 2024 - 11:22 PM

    View PostThe Earl of Chesterfield, on 23 May 2024 - 12:36 PM, said:

    Less than twenty four hours and Sunak's gaffes are already totting up.

    Like asking workers if they're looking forward to the Euro' Wales...

    Sunak is a rich entitled person who has become more rich and entitled. His lack of political nous is legendary. He didn’t beat Truss. He doesn’t listen to his advisors. He discounted advice to go out in the rain and inform the electorate that he was a capable leader. That caused so much disbelief amongst Tories. Nearly as much as him rejecting his election strategy consultant’s advice as to the timing of the election. He is so bad that some serious people who are close to him believe he wants out now and is under pressure from his wife to quit. Sunak? Starmer? Give over.


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