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Tarn, cycling.

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  1. In Topic: The End Of Labour?

    29 May 2024 - 10:24 PM

     isleaiw1, on 29 May 2024 - 09:53 PM, said:

    For balance AND Lib Dem. Is Davey going for the MRLP vote...?

    Of course. The Lib Dems.

    For balance if the Lib Dems win I?ll donate ?1000 to Ashgate Hospice
  2. In Topic: The End Of Labour?

    29 May 2024 - 09:36 PM

     Valley Blues, on 29 May 2024 - 08:01 AM, said:

    And Streeting is interviewed live on National TV and says it?s the first he?s heard about it.

    Of course, it?s not been confirmed by the labour party that what Abbott is saying is correct, I don?t think, but if it does get confirmation, another example of the shower we?ve got waiting in the wings.

    How can a member of the shadow cabinets front bench go on National TV and not know what?s happening with a headline news story surrounding internal matters of their own party?

    Yep I heard him. Good when scripted; ok when questioned about the strike (but yep we?ll negotiate with the Drs was dull) but about Abbott he was squirming, deflecting and poor.

    The state of politics today. For balance: Labour AND Tory.
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    29 May 2024 - 07:17 PM

     The Earl of Chesterfield, on 29 May 2024 - 06:26 PM, said:

    Not sure what point you're trying to make, here.

    That I'm a Labour supporter? That I highlight fourteen years of tory failings? Perhaps celebrate their implosion as a party?

    Hardly an eyebrow raising revelation. Though I continue to be flattered that so many contributors quote my pseudonym so often.

    The 'Labour have no policies' thing's getting yawningly dull, too. Every rational observer acknowledges the nation's broke, just as every rational observer acknowledges whatever Labour pledge will be minutely dissected in a way the tory's never are. Hell, it's happening on this very thread as we e-speak. And of course SKS is no Blair. In the same way he's no Johnson, either.

    But maybe the country needs boring. Maybe it needs bland. Maybe it needs rational and responsible.

    Bottom line is this topic's become as predictable as every other. Whataboutery, evasion, hypocrisy, prejudice and personal point scoring. And y'know what? Not a single mind will be changed, either.

    I just hope everyone has the basic honesty to admit who they voted for come July fifth and offer an intelligent insight into why they did...

    That you accuse people of turning everything to be about labour. Then turn continuously everything to be about the Tories. Like The Labour Party continues to do.

    So Labour cant have policies because the country is broke? Odd one. Now is the time for bold not bland.

    I?ll agree with you on the thread. Something I?ll admit I?m guilty of. I just hope everyone can do the same.

    Stayed away because it was dull and becoming more so. Enjoy the week.
  4. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    29 May 2024 - 02:29 PM

     dart in the crossbar, on 29 May 2024 - 02:21 PM, said:

    Kind of depends on the state of the country when the current shower have salted the ground though, don't you think?

    Labour plans on the Royal Mail... oh hang on.

    Potholes, NHS, 40 new hospitals, RAC in schools, impending post-Brexit law changes, flooding, emergency services depletion, armed forces depletion and so on

    To say that 'There's no money left' will be an understatement.

    The first thing that Labour will need to do is to audit the extent of the shambles that they inherit.

    I suspect that almost any plans that they might have kicked around at Millbank will need to be shelved for emergency planning stuff.

    It's past time to end the extended amateur hour and run the country resposibly

    The irony was EoC always toe curlingly turns to the Tories.

    Absolutely but that was more about that?s the only policy I can recollect so far?ie won?t raise taxes.
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    29 May 2024 - 08:32 AM

     The Earl of Chesterfield, on 29 May 2024 - 06:34 AM, said:

    All quickly followed by the now inevitable and toe curlingly desperate attempts to turn it all onto Labour.


    The worst Conservative Govt ever?a complete shambles?.a laughable election campaign and so far we know Labour won?t raise taxes. Or did I miss something? Dreadful opposition. ABC.



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