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To be nice to my fellow spireites

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 11:32 AM

     isleaiw1, on 16 June 2024 - 10:38 AM, said:

    They will and their manifesto is lacking ideas too. I do think the idea of making child allowance and other benefits based on household income not individual highest earner is good, I think scrapping NIC is good - stick it on normal income tax if needed but be honest about the rates. Most of the rest of it is dull and hardly newsworthy...

    I like the reform ideas on NHS - you won't but we have to do something and some of the best health systems in the world have mixed provision.

    Someone proposed a minimum wage for care workers above the current nmw, that might be good to improve provision and get people out of hospital quicker.

    But by and large most of it is like kids squabbling and I don't see any of it moving the dial much... all too safe and dull.

    That better?

    A little. Do you think labour as whole are being far more scrutinized in the media than the Tories?
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 09:20 AM

     isleaiw1, on 16 June 2024 - 07:31 AM, said:

    Another positive contribution. Have you read the manifestos yet? How would you solve the looming NHS crisis? Where are the extra staff coming from? How is the growth coming from not much extra investment? Where are the extra teachers coming from given there seems to be no incentive to join?

    I don't particularly object to nationalising the railways, do I expect them to get any better or cheaper? No, but as its only 2 or 3 days a week I will live with it... on the power company, how will that play alongside the existing power generators, is it in addition to or are we nationalising them to? And if its alongside, how is it little investment if it secures our energy needs?

    I don't dislike Labour - I just read things and ask questions. Can you answer them or do you not care as its Labour...

    Maybe you think nationalising stuff makes it more efficient too 🤔

    No problem at all but you have little to nothing to say about the Tory manifesto. They will have exactly the same problems as labour
  3. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 05:08 AM

     Wooden Spoon, on 15 June 2024 - 09:29 PM, said:

    The UK GB green power is a great idea. Fairly low outlay, 0 return for the first 5 years or so, but the next 20 is just a win. No cost for them in terms of network because UK power networks maintain the grid. That future income can be used to mortgage investment in other devices, and of course year by year each new wind farm will increase this.

    The report from 10 years ago into the railways (independant government funded report) concluded nationalisation of the railways would centralise ticket prices, reduce cost to the passengers. Would reduce running costs due to things like HR coming under 1 umbrella instead of many. So of course the tories ignored that

    AgIn zero cost. Let the Francis?s expire and just take in house.

    2 policies that have benefits to the nation and the treasury and the environment

    What?s not to like about that?

    You know about his dislike of labour I assume. He says they can't be trusted and that's coming from an accountant
  4. In Topic: Question For Fishini

    Yesterday, 07:31 PM

     spireitetoo, on 15 June 2024 - 06:26 PM, said:

    The one hammering my fat balls is black and white speckled.. I'm not an avid twitcher but from pics on Google I think it's a Downy Woodpecker?? He doesn't tend to hang about too long tho.. so hard to get a picture of it

    It will be a Greater spotted woodpecker. We only have 3 species. Greater and Lesser Spotted and Green Woodpecker
  5. In Topic: Question For Fishini

    Yesterday, 06:03 PM

     spireitetoo, on 15 June 2024 - 04:52 PM, said:

    So hard to spot when they're in the trees.. heard them plenty rattling away with their beaks, but just never been able to spot one, so to get one on the fat balls is a proper treat.

    Green Woodpeckers very rarely drum on trees as they a weak bill. Male Greater Spotted Woodpeckers are the ones you hear drumming


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