I?ll be first to hold my hands up when I react to the nonsense on here..I probably shouldn?t but I hate anything negative, so I dismiss it.
There isn?t one player that should be absolved from criticism, unfortunately at sometimes individuals on this board cross the line when it starts to get personal & abusive..it?s wrong on every level yet people carry on?it things spin out of control on here, take a step back & ignore it.
Everyone wants their team promoted & challenging, we were the bookies favourite this year, weirdly that sets an expectation that people take for granted. As much as I?d really be disappointed if we didn?t go up this season, cookie is building something special, no one can deny that. Not this year, we will next. However I?m really positive that we will at least get the play offs
I?ve looked at threads on here tonight and we even get threats to meet someone, it?s all going a bit too far really.
Anyway chill out and just enjoy life!
Now I?ve been compromised with my identity (PontePete😂) Agent Waller & Cookies spy?.😂 I?m out
This post has been edited by Waller is my hero: 02 February 2025 - 08:20 PM