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Zigsuk's Profile User Rating: -----

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956 (1.09 per day)
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Spireite Debate (951 posts)
01-February 22
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User is offline Jun 11 2024 05:04 PM

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Reserve Team Player
Age Unknown
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Topics I've Started

  1. Is Our Transfer Business Done Now?

    11 June 2024 - 09:23 AM

    Although it could be argued you can never have too many good players and options I get the feeling our transfer business is probably done. Always thought talk of Cooper and Clucas was pie in the sky. Besides isn't Cooper about done owing to injury? He hasn't seem to have played much recently.
    Do we need any more? I think the right back position is probably covered with Shecks and the option of Williams and Mandy although the latter is rather wasted there. It seems most other postions are well covered apart from goalkeeper. There are also likely to be some outgoings. Palmer possibly? What do people reckon?
  2. Rob Staton

    15 April 2024 - 05:24 PM

    Not only is he a fat head but he barely disguises his complete lack of interest in Chesterfield. I bet he wishes we weren't in their region.
    Both Adam Oxley and Andy Giddings have been to town games over the last couple of seasons - not very often admittedly - but as far as I am aware Staton has never seen us. When he was whinging about not seeing any local wins in the first few weeks of the season I thought why doesn't he go and see Chesterfield? Radio Sheffield's coverage of us on Saturday was almost non existent. Even Paul Fisher wasn't there and they had some guy giving a half time report who as far as I heard didn't then give a full time report.
    I listened to 1866 but I increasingly can't stomach Tooley's confusing commmentaries with his constant oohs and ahhs, 'what's going on here?' and 'I tell you what's.' It leaves me confused and unsatisfied as I think we are about to score then don't. Also they gave Oldaker the Motm which seems a strange reading of the game by other accounts.
    Unfortunately as much as they marginalise us and Staton who seems to be (or thinks he is) the main man ignores us, Radio Dee Dah are far more professional.
  3. So Where Did We Win Previous Titles / Promotions?

    25 March 2024 - 01:53 PM

    This was the first won at home since 1930s. Does anyone know where the others were won?

    The last in Cook's previous time was won at Burton but can't remember the others. Where was Sheridan's title won? Where was Law's promotion won?
    In 1985 I remember a pitch invasion against Rochdale at home in what must have been the last match and my mate falling on his ass when he clambered over the wall - I stayed sensibly on Compton Street. Presumably it had already been won?
    Whilst I don't recall where 1970 was won.
    The other promotion in the 1990's was of course a Wembley play off.
  4. Mike Jones & Our Defeats

    23 March 2024 - 10:56 PM

    Does anyone know how many of our six defeats Jones featured in?
  5. Reality Check

    21 March 2024 - 09:53 AM

    Anyone who thinks we will be nailed on to challenge for automatic promotion next season, which includes not only some fans but much of the media, is sadly delusional. Although I don't think we will struggle and will probably win more games than we lose be prepared for a lot more losses than this season. Mid table or an outside chance of the play offs is the best we can hope for.
    As we all know the defence is simply not good enough and without new defenders I don't see a solution. As I suggested elsewhere there is no guarantee they will be any better. Good defenders aren't any easier to find that top strikers.

    The thing which has really struck me lately is you take Colclough and Dobra out of the side and we look very ordinary. I know Dobra has his faults but he is a very skillful player at this level. Let's hope Colclough, our other truly skillful player, isn't going to have his career constantly disrupted by injury.
    Mandeville had a lot of the ball second half last night but didn't do much with it and doesn't look the player he was. Hopefully this decline isn't permanant and he doesn't become the inconsistent frustrating performer he used to be. Also there is real concern for Naylor who will still be player of the season, but he has also looked extremely ordinary for a good number of games now and mistakes have crept into his play. Although he still chips in with goals and for these alone needs to play.
    Apart from Dobra and Colclough we have hope from Berry and of course Grigg's goals, although he should have scored more than one last night. I wonder how Kabby would have fared with the one on one? Banks is a decent offensive option but as has been recognised is defensively poor and Oldaker is certainly not the answer.
    The ages of Banks, Naylor, Jacobs, Grigg, Grimes, Palmer, Williams and of course especially Jones are concerning - none are going to get better.
    There is also hope with Hobson, but despite his good goal at Oldham, in the couple of games he has had hasn't pulled up any trees, although any player deserves at least half a dozen games to show what he can do.
    If we have lost Grigg and Colclough for the rest of the season it will be a disappointing end. The points record has gone as it seems have Grigg's chances of adding to his goal tally, but we can still reach 100 points and goals. However the record I really want is to remain unbeaten at home as I have never known that. However, I genuinely fear for that record in the last three games.

    Finally, a word on the pitch last night. Yes, it's the same for both teams, but it was only in the second half that we got to some grips with it. Prior to that players were struggling to control the ball as they were at Dorking and I noticed sometimes they were overhitting it in a bid to get it through the mud. Such pitches make it really difficult to judge the weight of passes.
    Ironically, players in the Sixties and Seventies had to play regularly on such surfaces. However modern players, more familiar with snooker table surfaces, aren't used to adapting their game for unpredictable surfaces. I wonder what they would have made of the Baseball Ground? I must say though some of the pitches this season have been as poor as I have seen for many years.


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