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calvin plummers socks's Profile User Rating: *----

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  1. In Topic: Gb News

    Today, 12:21 PM

    Tommy Robinson arrested in Canada for being an illegal immigrant js peak joy.
  2. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Today, 12:16 PM

     Osborne again, on 25 June 2024 - 05:53 AM, said:

    You want to read again, and it wasn't me who said he'd be useless but you answered a question with a question and not an answer, and if you think your silly rant was an answer it wasn't, it sounded more like the gospel according to CPS. You can't stand anyone having an opposing view to yourself and you talk down to people as though you know everything about everything while others know nothing. I see you as a snob in a tracksuit who has no empathy. Go back to manipulating sore joints instead of trying to score silly points. I will not answer any more of your posts because I don't see it as a debate but a wind up by you. I don't know if Klop would make a good National manager but neither do you, but you make out you know everything.

    Bit of an overreaction love
  3. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Today, 04:40 AM

     Osborne again, on 25 June 2024 - 03:42 AM, said:

    Yeah, and put all his nonsense on the back like band tour dates 😂😂😂.

    You haven?t said any reason why you think he would be a good fit for England.
  4. In Topic: Southend The Saga Continues

    Yesterday, 06:45 PM

     Holmesc1, on 24 June 2024 - 06:37 PM, said:

    Surely the end must be in sight now, that one million bond is high and would the consortium stump that up? I feel the league has dragged there heals too long as well

    You?re so desperate for them to go under!
  5. In Topic: Resign Gareth

    Yesterday, 05:24 PM

     born in 1866, on 24 June 2024 - 05:14 PM, said:

    You know when people have lost an argument when they start spouting opinion as fact, with no evidence, whatsoever, to support that "fact".
    Evidence to support JK is posted above, now where's yours?

    I?ve not said anything is fact love- everything on a message board is speculation - that?s why there?s so much stupidity spoken on them.
    No one has any idea whether Klopp would be better than GS- posting domestic honours doesn?t mean he would be - that?s just fool some of course.

    I think even the most ardent Klopp fan would acknowledge that most of the coaching and tactical work was by Duvac ans Lijnders.
    What Klopp did was introduce -positively- a great team ethic although alienating some at times and getting the scouse fans on board - they treated him like the messiah when in actual fact he was a very decent but not spectacular Prem manager.
    Negatively he brought in ridiculous physical demands which caused a ridiculously high rate of injuries - he immediately brought in double and indeed treble training days and we all know what happens when that happens!


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    11 Dec 2023 - 14:41
    Hi Walter
  2. Photo

    Waller is my hero 

    28 Jan 2015 - 10:27
    Hi fellow Warfey is a ****** follower..ha ha
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