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  1. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Today, 10:06 PM

     azul, on 03 June 2024 - 08:38 PM, said:

    I assume you are thinking of Rowe? The idea having any senior player (no matter how it came to pass) not in the squad and still paying for them is not ideal. The idea that this would be acceptable squad planning as suggested above is bonkers

    Asante was here last summer with a year left on his deal, allegedly refused a pay off and was not given a squad number and allowed to train away from the club. He eventually accepted a pay off
    In November before signing for Darlington.

    Pretty sure there was another player also not given a squad number last summer, I think he took a pay off to leave early in the season.

     azul, on 03 June 2024 - 08:40 PM, said:

    But loaned out for the same wage as we are paying them? Who knows! Oh well, the Kirks are paying

    Well, the club is paying, using money loaned from the Kirks.

     60s 70s Spireite, on 03 June 2024 - 08:37 PM, said:

    All our players are good enough for a loan out to one club or another.
    Our squad size won?t be a problem.

    Yeah, I think you are right.

     Mr Mercury, on 03 June 2024 - 08:49 PM, said:

    It is a tad perplexing how we handed out a lot of one year extensions to players who may not be here next season but then again if it added to squad unity and helped get us out of that hell hole then alls good!

    Maybe one for the next Q&A if any one of them are loaned out/sold by then.
  2. In Topic: Any Rumours?

    Today, 08:11 PM

     azul, on 03 June 2024 - 11:01 AM, said:

    It would obviously matter as you?d be paying players that can?t get a game. Not saying it won?t happen but hardly ideal.

    Doubt it will come to that, sure Hobson will be loaned out given the glut of players we have that can play his roll. Hopefully we?ll be able to shed at least one CB as well and then the fun may start trying to get a balance

    We did pay players not on the squad at the beginning of this season just gone, Asante not given a shirt number, as well as someone else who I can?t remember who lol

    It?s perfectly plausible that one or two of the players who signed extended deals during this last season did so to bring them in line with some of the more recent signings in terms of bonuses etc and presumably we?ll be looking to get some one to take them on a free rather than have to pay them up.

    Thankfully, there is no in the same boat as Asante this time round.
  3. In Topic: Paul Cooks Crunch Moment

    Today, 08:00 PM

     Phil V 72, on 03 June 2024 - 06:33 AM, said:

    From his interviews I think the Ipswich experience still bothers him, so if the chance came for him to prove himself at Championship level at a similar sized club, I think that might temp him. He speaks about getting us back to where we should be, which is stable in L1, so if that happens and the right job comes up that might be the time.

    His only time managing in the Championship was with Wigan, where you could argue they were ?punching above their weight? but only went down after their 12 point deduction after entering admin.

    His time at Ipswich (less than a year I think) was spent in L1 where the club changed hands and the new owners demanded instant success despite him turning over most of the squad in the summer.
  4. In Topic: Paul Cooks Crunch Moment

    Yesterday, 06:06 PM

     Bald magician, on 02 June 2024 - 12:44 PM, said:

    I wonder if the offer of a new contract would be a crunch moment ? Surely the Kirk?s must have given this serious consideration?

    Presumably, like the players, PC will have a promotion bonus, and annual increase as well as a promotion increase built in to this current contract.

    That said, unless he?s on a rolling 1 year deal, we don?t know what length deal he signed but I am sure the Kirk?s will know and will already be discussing the future with him, a future that involves both him and the club together.
  5. In Topic: Sam Clucas

    01 June 2024 - 05:26 PM

     essexspireman, on 01 June 2024 - 04:05 PM, said:

    Cooper could probably get a contract in Saudi for a year or two

    Not a big enough name.


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    02 Jan 2020 - 15:42
    Offer a drink when your casting aspersions in my direction. Anyway are you back Saturday..
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