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The Earl of Chesterfield's Profile User Rating: **---

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With the Rainbow People

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  1. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 08:55 AM

     s42blue, on 09 June 2024 - 08:25 AM, said:

    Suggestions from where?

    Being discussed on the interview circuit this AM...
  2. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Today, 08:15 AM

    Can't believe I'm actually writing this, but there're growing suggestions Sunak might not take the Tories into July fourth.

    He might actually become the first party leader to be axed during an election campaign.

    Wow. Just, wow...
  3. In Topic: The Debate

    Yesterday, 04:56 PM

     isleaiw1, on 08 June 2024 - 02:45 PM, said:

    There is a safety net that makes sure everyone gets something in life, called benefits or the state pension, but most of us want more than that. So yes, having a working, available, quality service for all, and a system where those who can pay for something different sounds fine to me. A bit like tickets at the footie, we could all go in the kop for the cheapest ticket, and it does the job. But some prefer to choose a different option...

    But your first line is true. A quality health system is, and we dont have one at the moment. So how are you going to solve it if not do something different...? Just raise more taxes? Or nationalise it to make it more efficient..... ? Oh, wait....

    Again after 14 years in opposition you are looking at it like a protest party, complaining about other people's suggestions but not offering a thought through solution. As the boomers get to the end of their working life, and give up the private health insurance they have had for years, there are going to be ever increasing numbers wanting to use the NHS. It cant cope now.... so what are Labour suggesting? More appointments? that needs more staff, where are they coming from, who is paying them (and their pensions, more staff will only exacerbate the ?2.6trn of unrecognised debt to public sector pensions, so that's another problem for another day). All paid for by solving tax dodging apparently...

    Private service and private sector buildings means less capital building for the govt, less borrowing to fund it, and no more PFI deals such as Blair was keen on and it seems Reeves is, which have hamstrung the NHS ever since...

    PS I know Wiki isnt the most reliable thing in the world but this is interesting for which countries already have a mix - including some of those that are thought of as being ahead of the UK...

    https://en.wikipedia...tems_by_country including Australia and Germany.

    You asked why health insurance is different to any other, Ian.

    I explained why before returning to Farage's policy which began this particular exchange.

    But you ignored both points to yet again throw it back onto Labour.

    Mate, I really do regret saying this, but you've joined the lamentable list of those with whom debate is so predictably pointless...
  4. In Topic: The Debate

    Yesterday, 02:06 PM

     isleaiw1, on 08 June 2024 - 10:30 AM, said:

    But we dont have a state system for insuring your house, car, travel, why do we for health...

    Because they aren't essential and health is.

    And because the NHS was created to end people suffering and dying for want of the money to prevent it.

    Farage has clearly stated he wants a return to those days. Or at least a tiered sector depending on the standard of cover folk can afford. So a simple question his supporters must ask: if there'll be some sort of 'safety net' ensuring everyone gets quality care, why pay extra?

    Unless he really plans the most basic, bog standard, barely worth having service that'll see the very sixty something working class folk to whom he panders most vulnerable...
  5. In Topic: General Election It Is Then...

    Yesterday, 11:21 AM

     Bobby Darling, on 07 June 2024 - 10:04 PM, said:

    A good point. However Farage is a ?democratic? politician who uses hatred to gain support. In a democratic society that leads to opposition. You most certainly are not a Nazi but your views are pretty much aligned to the majority of Germans who supported Hitler in 1933. My last assertion is based on polls. So pardon the views of ?loony/hard left wingers? but some of us see you as the problem. You follow Farage. You have seen what he did at Dulwich College. He supported the Nazis. That is his democratic view. You hanker after him. That is your right but I?d avoid trumpeting D Day. An old 60?s saying ?;Which side are you on Mr Mercury??

    Farage certainly has a loose relationship with democracy.

    Who voted him leader of Reform? Or it's earlier incarnation the Brexit party? And has he at any point condemned the Trump inspired Jan sixth terrorist coup?

    Definitely not on the plethora of platforms he's shared with US racists and conspiracy theorists.

    Then maybe hatred is too strong a word. Ignorant xenophobia is probably nearer. Wonder how many of his followers could narrate his health plans? The majority of whom are sixty-plus needing free and unlimited NHS access the most, of course. His plans to slash taxes for millionaires like himself? In fact any other policy than vilifying non straight white minorities?

    Spot on that anyone with any grasp of history realises demagogues like him always target the less well educated with populism, though. Easy answers to complex problems. 'Othering' whichever section of society proves convenient.

    Hell, the Nazis literally gave beer and bread to the poor to garner support.

    But as said the great irony of this election is his vanity guaranteeing Labour a huge majority. Perhaps it's SKS who should give him the knighthood Johnson reneged upon...


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